How to Apply to SRJC

Apply to SRJC

All students must apply to SRJC. It is a two-part application: The first part is the CCCApply online account application. The second part is to complete the SRJC application. When you complete the second step, you will be given an SRJC student ID number. Save this ID number in your phone; you will need your SRJC Student ID for everything at SRJC.

After you've created your CCCApply account and completed the SRJC application, you are ready for the High School Dual Enrollment Program Request Form. This is explained on the next page.

First step: Create a CCApply Account. Use the link on the right to create your account.

Click HERE to start your CCC Apply Account

Second Step: Once you have created your CCCApply account, you're ready to apply to SRJC.

Follow these 4 screenshots to get to the beginning of the SRJC Application. Then use the step-by-step YouTube video to go through every page on the application.

  1. On the SRJC Home screen, navigate to the Apply page. Click on the category of student that applies to you.

2. Click on the CCCApply button.

3. Click on Sign In. Use the CCCApply User Name and Password you just created to Sign In.

4. Click on Start New Application.

5. Follow this Step-by-Step video to walk you through every page of the application. Once you are finished, click Submit.