Allied Health Academy

The Allied Health Academy is a unique experience to study healthcare related courses and complete two years of clinical job shadowing and internships at Chilton Medical Center. Students will be eligible to earn 19 Rutgers University School of Health professional credits. In addition to their second year of job shadow in their senior year, students also present a capstone project.

Freshman and Sophomore Years begin the course sequence for the Allied Health Academy to establish the foundation for upper level courses. A series of trips and classroom experiences with Chilton Medical Hospital professionals will enhance the student’s learning.

During Junior Year students will spend two full days per week at Chilton Medical Center job shadowing the various departments including OR, Emergency, IMCU, Radiology, Obstetrics, Pharmacy, PT/OT, among other areas.

During Senior Year students select focused areas to participate in clinical internships three days per week at Chilton Medical Center. Students will complete weekly journals and participate in a final culminating Capstone presentation at Chilton Medical Health Fair.

For more information about the Allied Health Academy, please email