
Careers at PEPA

At Peninsula East, we are constantly preparing our children for the next stage of their life. Whether that be moving to the next year group, key stage or on to secondary school. To support with this we work closely with one of our feeder school's Hundred of Hoo secondary to provide opportunities for our older children to visit and  secondary teachers also come to work with our children here at PEPA.

As well as providing opportunities for visitors from a range of careers to visit our children and a careers themed week, we link careers through our POI and curriculum so that it links with the children's learning for each module. 

Careers Fair 2024

We held a 'Careers Day' for children where we had lots of visitors come into school to speak to the children about their jobs. Kent Police visited and held some informative talks in the classrooms (and even took the children outside to see the police cars) and an author, Karen Greaves-Neal, who came to do a workshop all about her brilliant books. In the afternoon, we had an exciting Careers Fair for Key Stage 2 children! The children had a fantastic time being able to work around the hall whilst each company, organisation and representative had a stall showcasing their jobs and roles within a vast range of job sectors. We were also very fortunate to have local businesses in, so that the children could also develop an understanding of the local economy and the needs of our community. 

We would like to take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to all of the companies and individuals that gave up their time to support with this, it was a fantastic experience for all children involved and will no doubt support their understanding of career paths and vocations as they progress through our school but also in their next stage of education. 

We would like to thank...