Unit Three: H2 the izz O (aka: rivers and groundwater)

What will be graded:

Part 1 River Systems

  1. In Class - Make it Rain

  2. In Class - Stream Table

  3. In Class - River Tour

  4. In Class - Old Man River

H2O Skill: 7, 8, 9

stream age quiz

Part 2 Ground Water

  1. In Class - Groundwater Information

  2. In Class - Caves/Where's my Water?

  3. In Class - Groundwater Scenarios (Wells and Pollution)

H2O Skill: 10, 11

Groundwater Model Quiz

Make it Rain!

Using the modeling clay, follow the steps below. Make observations and drawings with what you see after each scenario. You will be presenting this information on a Whiteboard.

If you don't have clay available watch our video (3.1) to answer the questions.

Use attached worksheet. If you are absent, use playdoh at home

Stream Table

In class your group will have the chance to play with our stream table. In each case below, take pictures or make sketches of the stages your stream goes through.

  • Start off your stream table with a smooth surface

  • Turn on water

  • Observe what happens as the water flows downhill

  • Take a picture or make a sketch showing what happens every 2 minutes for 10 minutes

Helpful Links:

River Tour

1. Use 'Google Earth' or other resource to locate the Pittsburgh Region and make a table of 6 local streams listing whether they are "old age," "mature," or "youthful. Include one reason with each."

2. Using "Google Earth" Continue down the Ohio River to the cities on the worksheet and label some of the features as you get closer to the Mississippi River Delta.

3. Write a paragraph on river development. In your OWN WORDS, explain how you can determine if the river is younger or older. What features or elevations let you know this information? Draw a sketch of the river from the source to the river mouth.

Stream Tracer - This site allows you to trace any stream (up/downstream)

Old Man River (how to)

Rivers around the world vary in age. this may not surprise you but what might is that you can tell the age of rivers simply by observing them and their surroundings.


1. Using the "Old/Young River Pictures" file, take a look at the various rivers and their surroundings and record whether they are "old age," "mature," or "youthful." Your answers may include a transition from one to another: i.e. "youthful-mature," or "mature-old."

2. Describe the reasons you made these choices

Stream Age Quiz

Click the arrow in the upper right hand corner to enlarge the quiz. You need a password to complete the quiz.

Groundwater Information

Watch this unforgettable video explaining groundwater:

Groundwater Animation!

For this assignment: Download the word file and then:

Watch the groundwater video 3.4 and do the worksheet... and then:

Read me: Many topics were discussed in the video, which pertains to water under the ground. Using the links in this section (on the website) and the video, answer the questions to have a better understanding of what each topic presented.

Then: click on the links below to answer questions about water movement and where the water is located.

Natural Water Cycle

02 Groundwater Speed and Movement (Permeability)

03 Water Table

04 How does groundwater move?

05 Speed of Groundwater

Where's my Groundwater?

Caves 3.5

Answer the questions about how groundwater can affect the surrounding rock layers and create caves.

Below is the "Planet Earth - Caves" video. Use it to answer the worksheet questions, if you didn't get to watch it in class.

Groundwater Scenarios

Open the PowerPoint and answer the questions in the document about each slide.