Resources for Parents/Guardians

Family is a huge factor in a beginner's success. Please help your child....

1. Establish a regular practice schedule, and write it down along with other weekly chores and routines.

2. Have the right supplies for your instrument on hand at all times.

4. Make sure the instrument is in good playing condition.

5. Show interest! This is key. Encourage "concerts" for friends and family. Be supportive and positive.

7. The best way to be inspired to play music is to see live performances. Seeing any music live can be reinvigorating and it’s important to see as much live music as possible. Our district if fortunate enough to have a large, and successful music program. One of the easiest ways to see live bands is to do something as simple as seeing our Pennsbury Marching Band, or going to other school's within our districts and hearing their bands! YouTube is also wonderful resource.

8. Private lessons: Our district has a list of private instructors that are not affiliated with the Pennsbury School District, but will teach private lessons one-on-one with your musician. If you are interested in private lessons please reach out to your teacher for details.

***If you need any advice on how to further encourage your musician, please reach out***