Art Club

About Art Club

What is Art Club?

Art Club is a place for students to practice a variety of art skills, develop new art-making techniques, collaborate with their peers, and work on art projects. It works like an extended free-art period where students can explore the art that they want to explore, with Ms. Wood's help and exclusive art materials.

Who Can do Art Club?

Art club is open to all Pennoyer students in 6th-8th grade. If art club has less than 25 students as of January 9th, the club will open to 5th grade students as well.

When and Where is Art Club?

Art Club meets every Thursday after school at 3-4 pm in the art room. The first day of art club is September 19th and the last day will be May 8th. Scheduling updates (such as cancellations, reminders, or rescheduling) will be posted to the Art Club Google Classroom.

How to Join?

Students that are interested in joining Art Club may sign up during class or email Ms. Wood at See you soon!