Health Services
Medication Disposal and Assistance Obtaining Prescriptions
Prescription Drug Take Back Locations in Lancaster County:
Lancaster County Drop-Off Locations
Prescription Drug Take Back Locations in Lancaster County
DEA National Medication Take Back Dates and locations. Click on the link below and enter your zip code to find a location near you.
How to prepare items for disposal:
All prescribed medications to be disposed of should be contained inside their original bottle or placed inside a small sealed container (i.e. plastic bottle) or zip-lock bag
Personal information should be removed or marked out with a permanent marker
Each take-back location has the right to determine what items they will accept in their box. Items that DEA regulations allow to be disposed of:
Over-the-counter medications
Prescription medications
Prescription patches
Prescription ointments
Pet medicines
You may NOT drop off:
Hydrogen peroxide
Compressed cylinders or aerosols (e.g., asthma inhalers)
Iodine-containing medications
Alcohol & illicit drugs (i.e. marijuana, heroin, LSD, etc.)
Prescription Assistance for Students:
Wondering where to obtain medications for a child who lost their insurance and needs medications while applying for Medical Assistance?
Walmart offers a $4 prescription program on certain medications. For more information about this program please click on the website.
Walmart's Low Cost Prescription Program