Social Stories


A social story is a simple and effective tool for teaching kids how to do certain things, such as handle problem behaviors, master social skills, and navigate new or unfamiliar social situations. It creates "predictability" with otherwise unfamiliar tasks or activities by walking the student through the process from a vicarious perspective. Social stories can be written about practically anything that a child may be struggling with from problem behaviors, such as anger or biting, to daily living skills, such as how to brush your teeth or use the potty, to handling unfamiliar events, such as how to act at a wedding, coming to school for the first time, or learning the expected behaviors for riding the school bus. Social Stories help to make these unfamiliar situations feel more predictable and teaches expected behaviors.

Don't have to be perfect.doc

Subject:  Perfectionism

Spiderman Goes to School.docx

Subject:  School anxiety/refusal

When Spiderman rides the school bus.docx

Subject:  Bus safety

Thomas Goes to Kindergarten (1).docx

Subject:  Going to Kindergarten and elopement

Anger Social Story.docx

Subject: Anger/Coping Skills

Expected_Unexpected_Primary Social Story.pptx

Subject: Expected & Unexpected Behavior

KDGBathroomSocial Story (1).pdf

Subject: Using the bathroom


Subject: Personal Space


Subject: Size of the Problem 5 Point Scale Visual


Subject: Sharing & Taking Turns

Whole Body Listening Social Story

Subject: Whole Body Listening + Visual Cue Card

Pausing Social Story.docx

Subject: Pausing an activty or a video  Author: Shannon Churchill, CM School Counselor