
Friday 3/3/23

Hey Everyone,

Thank you all for your patience with the confusion regarding the meet yesterday. I have still not heard why the meet was cancelled. It has been rescheduled for Monday, but due to our coaches' previously scheduled commitments, we will not be able to compete in the meet. Athletes are not allowed to compete without a coach present, so competing individually won't be an option.

During Spring Break, we will have smaller practices, broken up by event groups.  This will give us an opportunity to work on individual events and give more individual instruction than we can when school is in session. We will have full practices with everyone Monday and Tuesday 3/13-3/14.

Athletes are expected to show up for their assigned practices. However, if you know you are unable to attend, please fill out the Daily Attendance Form at least 12 hours before the assigned practice. All absences will be excused during Spring Break as long as the form is filled out in advance. If you do not fill out the form before practice begins, it will be an unexcused absence and will count against you in terms of selecting who will compete in meets. Here is a link to the form:

If you are unable to attend practice, you need to work out on your own. At this point in the season, taking a week off can cause you to lose any fitness you have gained. 

Sprinters/jumpers will need to sprint 3x40 yards at full speed with 5-10 min rest in between each sprint twice next week. One day next week you need to do 3x150m full speed with 4-5 min rest in between each one. When you do that workout, take at least one day off before doing any sprinting.

Distance: I have attached Coach Wilkinson's training schedules to refer to.

Throws: I know most of you have your own shots/discuses, you can work on your own at the school. You can also lift and joining the sprint practices would be beneficial. 

Below is the practice schedule for Spring Break. 

Friday 3/3 (Today) No practice

Saturday 3/4

7:00 am-9:30 am: Optional but highly encouraged Distance Practice with Coach Wilkinson. Meet at Diver Seaside Cafe in Surf City (809 Roland Ave.) If you are experiencing pain/severe soreness, take Saturday & Sunday off 

Monday 3/6

8:00 am-9:00 am: Sprint Practice  

9:00 am-10:00 am: High Jump Practice

3:00 pm-4:30 pm: Throws Practice (With Coach Webb)

Tuesday 3/7 

3:50 pm-5:30 pm: Distance Practice (With Coach Wilkinson)

Wednesday 3/8

8:00 am-9:00 am: Sprint Practice  

9:00 am-10:00 am: Long/Triple Jump practice

Thursday 3/9 No Practice

Friday 3/10 

7:00 am-9:30 am: Distance Practice 

8:00 am-9:00 am: Sprint Practice  

9:00 am-10:00 am: Hurdle Practice

Monday 3/13

Full practice 3:50-5:45 (Everyone) (Throws start at 3:00)

Tuesday 3/14

Full practice 3:50-5:45 (Everyone)

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

W. Dorn