Technology Help

Families and Students Site

Welcome to the Pembroke Public Schools Technology Help Site

Please use the page directory above (top-right hand corner) to select the appropriate area(s) in which to access assistance. Everything you would need to know about Pembroke's Technology is located on this site, including tutorials and basic care of devices, as well as district approved tools. If you have further questions, please reach out to our tech staff on the help page.

Safety and Privacy

Technology advances are making it much easier for students to create and share their learning with peers and teachers.

One important aspect to consider is that students’ data is collected by educators and companies that provide apps and online services as well. That includes some personal information, which educators use in order to know their students and to tailor their teaching to their different needs and abilities. It is critical for educators to protect that personal information.

As a public school district, we legally must comply by COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act), CIPA (Children's Internet Protection Act), and PPRA (Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment). Additionally, we must follow the Privacy Policies of each individual website. This is why we also must filter devices at home and at school, using a program called GoGuardian.

User Agreement

A digital copy of our student user agreement, signed at the start of the year, can be found here: Chromebooks and iPads

Pembroke Public Schools