GoGuardian Video Conferencing

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Start a Classroom Session

A classroom session is the digital equivalent of a classroom period. When a classroom session begins, all enrolled students will automatically join. Once the students are connected, you will begin to see live screen data on the Screens view of your active classroom session. All session data is automatically recorded and will be archived and available for review at any point.

  1. Sign in to teacher.goguardian.com

  2. Select the session length from the drop-down menu (shown on left).

  3. Optional: If you want to start your session with student chat on you can toggle that over on the main tile.

  4. Click Start Session

Setting up the Call

  1. Navigate to the Call Students tab during an active classroom session

  2. Select the Start Video Call option

Enable Camera, Microphone, and Recording

  1. Toggle the setting next to "Enable Camera" to set it to "On"

  2. If this is your first time using the feature, a popup will ask you if GoGuardian can access your camera. Click "Allow."

  3. Toggle the setting next to "Enable Microphone" to set it to "On"

  4. If this is your first time using the feature, a popup will ask you if GoGuardian can access your microphone, click “Allow”

  5. Toggle the setting next to "Record this call" if you would like to record the video call to view and share later. Students will be asked to provide consent before they join a call that is being recorded. If they decline, their cameras and microphones will automatically be disabled for the entirety of the call.

Select Students

Click "Select Students..." at the bottom of the screen, which will open a pop-up. In the pop-up, check off the boxes to the left of each student that you would like to call. If you would like to call the whole class, check off the box to the left of "Select All." Check off the box to the left of "Mute all students" if you would like all student microphones to be disabled during the call.

NOTE: A maximum of 40 students can be selected per call.

Initiate the Call

  1. Click Call to begin the call. You will be redirected to a new tab that will wait for the student(s) to connect.

  2. On the students' end, the student will need to accept the call by clicking "Accept."

  3. The student will have a chance to adjust their settings, before clicking "Join call" to join the call.

  1. When the student accepts the call, you will be able to see them and speak with them directly (if they enabled both their camera and microphone). Hover over a student's individual screen to mute/unmute them, allow/disallow their webcam, and view their browsing screen.

  2. In the bottom-middle of the page, you can enable/disable your own camera and microphone, and enable/disable sharing of your screen.

If a student is offline when the call starts, the will be listed under "Absent Students" with the status "Offline" in the right panel that can be viewed by clicking on the call button (displaying the call time) on the top-right corner of the screen. When they come online, their status will change to "Call Ringing" and they will have the opportunity to join the call:

Co-Teachers/Joining an Ongoing Call

To join a live group call, navigate to the Call Students tab of the active classroom session, which should indicate that a live call is taking place. Then, click Join (Teacher Name)'s Call to join the call.

NOTE: More than one student must be present in the call for co-teachers to be able to join the call.

NOTE: A maximum of 10 teachers (including the teacher that initiated the call) can join a video call.

Ending a Call

To end the call, select End Call in the bottom-right corner of the screen. If you recorded the call, you will be prompted to give the recording a title and then save the recording. Alternatively, you can delete the recording at this point. A link will appear in this pop-up which can be shared with students so they can access the recording at a later time.

Coming soon...

  • Integrate Chat into Call window: While using GoGuardian Teacher, you will be able to access your Chat window from within the audio or video call window.

  • Attendance summary for calls: As a teacher, you will receive a summary after your conference calls indicating which students were present and which were absent.

  • “Raise Hand” option: Non-verbal communication for students during calls means that you’ll be able to easily identify when students need help or have questions, without disrupting the rest of the class.