Digital Art Pathway

The Digital Art Pathway focuses on preparing students for 21st century career options in the visual arts. Students will be trained in traditional media, digital photography, digital editing, and design/animation programs based on industry trends and standards. Students who pursue a degree in these creative fields will be developing a professional portfolio in support of a career in design, advertisement, digital/multi-media, photography, or web design. Choices within the elective course options allow for students to shift the focus of their learning toward digital photography/editing or graphic design based learning.

Honor Cord Requirements for the Visual and Performing Arts Pathway

An honor cord signifying your academic achievement in the Visual and Performing Arts Pathway will be awarded to students who complete the following requirements:

            • Completion of required and elective courses in the Visual and Performing Arts Pathway with an overall 3.0 GPA.
            • Minimum overall 2.5 GPA in all high school courses.
            • Portfolio composed of a culmination of artwork created throughout the pathway.
            • Art Education Pathway students are required to submit a written teaching philosophy statement and complete observation hours.
            • Studio Art and Digital Art students are required to submit a written artist’s statement.