Fourth Grade Social Studies Rubrics

Topics by Trimester:

Trimester 1

  • Geography of NYS: NYS has a diverse geography. Various maps can be used to represent and examine the geography of NYS.

  • Native American groups and the environment: Native American groups, chiefly the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) and Algonquian-speaking groups, inhabited the region that became NYS.

Trimester 2

  • Colonial and Revolutionary period in NY: European exploration led to the colonization of the region that became NYS. Beginning in the early 1600s, colonial NY was home to people from many different countries. Colonial NY was important during the Revolutionary Period.

Trimester 3

    • Government: There are different levels of government within the US and NYS. The purpose of government is to protect the rights of citizens and to promote the common good. The government of NYS establishes rights, freedoms, and responsibilities for its citizens.

Independently and consistently: After instruction introducing a topic, the student has a concrete understanding and can apply skills taught.

Independently: After instruction introducing a topic, the child can complete most work with minimal teacher support.

Guidance and Support: After instruction introducing a topic, the child requires frequent check-ins from classroom teacher to support work completion and comprehension.

Significant guidance and support: After instruction introducing a topic, the child requires small group or 1:1 assistance with teacher scaffolding and tools (graphic organizers, manipulatives, sentence starters, tables, etc.)