First Grade Social Studies Rubrics

Areas of Assessment:

Demonstrates understanding of key concepts

Interprets and analyzes information

Topics by Trimester:

Trimester 1: Family

  1. Develop questions about his/her family.

  2. Recognize different forms of evidence used to make meaning in social studies.

  3. Identify opinions of others.

Trimester 1 & 2: Family and Traditions

  1. Describe an event in his/her family.

  2. Identify change over time in his/her family.

  3. Identify events of the past, present, and future in his/her family life.

Trimester 2 & 3: My Community: Maps and Diagrams

  1. Identify where and why places are located, using maps and models.

  2. Identify physical features.

Trimester 3: Symbols and Roles of Citizenship

  1. Demonstrate respect for the rights of others in discussions, regardless of whether one agrees with the other viewpoints.

  2. Identify the role of the individual in classroom and school participation.

  3. Identify the president of the United States and the school principal and their leadership responsibilities.

  4. Identify rights and responsibilities within the classroom and school.