Middle School Learning Plan

Higgins Middle School

Remote Learning Plan

Effective May 4, 2020

At Higgins Middle School our primary concern during this closure is the health and well-being of our students and families. This is an unprecedented time and every day brings new challenges that require flexibility, patience, and understanding.

The entire staff at HMS is focused on maintaining meaningful student connections that encourage learning and keep kids engaged during this time. Below is an outline of the plan that will take us through the remainder of the year.

Student Role and Learning Schedule

  • Using the schedule below, students are expected to complete assignments provided by teachers during the outlined class times. This may include watching presented lessons, reviewing materials, participating in online classroom discussions, attending virtual field trips, or staying connected through one of the many ways in which teachers are providing innovative learning opportunities. While students are not required to attend virtual class meetings via Google Meet, it is strongly encouraged that they do.

  • If students are unable to participate in Google Meet class sessions, they may access the learning material through whatever means has been established by their teacher.

  • Students that do not complete assignments during scheduled class times should complete them prior to the next time that class meets.

  • Students will be held accountable for completing their remote learning assignments (see below).

  • “Enrichment” time should be used to complete work assigned during content or exploratory blocks.

  • Students should be expecting regular communication from their teachers. Examples include: school email, Google Classroom discussions and/or Google Meet gatherings.

  • Students will remain in QUARTER 3 exploratories for the duration of Remote Learning.

  • Students should be mindful of digital citizenship requirements and behavioral standards for online sessions. The PPS Technology Acceptable Use Policy applies while participating in remote learning. For example, teachers may, at their discretion, remove a student from the video conference if the student fails to follow teacher instructions for the meeting, is acting inappropriately or creating a disturbance to the online learning environment.

  • Students are expected to adhere to the HMS conduct expectations in a remote environment as they would at school.

  • HMS administrators and guidance counselors will reach out to those students that may be having difficulty regularly participating in remote learning activities.

Feedback & Assessment

  • Students will have until Friday, May 8th to finalize any work from the third quarter.

  • Report cards for quarter 3 will be posted to Aspen on Friday May 15th and will reflect graded work up until the time school closed.

  • Beginning Monday, May 4th, students will receive feedback from teachers on their assignments and be issued Credit for participating in class activities and completing their work. All work assigned after May 4th will be counted towards quarter 4.

  • During fourth quarter students who do not complete assigned work will be issued a No-Credit.

  • Grading for fourth quarter will be on a Pass/Fail basis

  • Students will remain in QUARTER 3 exploratories for the duration of Remote Learning.

Parent/Guardian Role

  • Help your child maintain a regular learning routine during the period of school closure.

  • Examine your child’s work to be informed of the learning and any difficulties that your child may encounter.

  • Email your child’s teacher, counselor, or associate principal whenever you have a question or a concern.

  • Ensure your child is using a school-issued Chromebook properly.

Daily Schedule

Remote Learning Calendar

Learning Resources by Department

(in addition to specific materials and assignments on Google Classroom)


Higgins Middle School Learning Plan (Prior to May 4th)

Weeks 5 - 7

Higgins Middle School Initial Learning Plan

Weeks 1 -4