PVMHS Remote Learning

April 13 - June 25


  • Outside of Meets, the schedule is a suggested but not mandatory time for students to work on each class.

  • Teachers are only assigning 2.5 hours of total work per week per class, about 30 mins per day for each class (Google Meets, learning, practice, assessments combined)

  • All assignments are expected to be completed. Please talk with your teacher if you are having problems completing work.


  • All work will be reduced by half following the state guidelines.


  • All instruction, including content and directions, will be available in the form of handouts, slides, Classroom posts, etc.

  • Teachers may offer one or two 20-30 minute Google Meet(s), no more, to cover content and check on your status.


  • No traditional letter or number grades shall be awarded during Q4. Students need to achieve 65% to earn a “P”.

  • All students can make up graded work during closure.

  • We will continue to assess students using the Vision of the Graduate rubrics and posting the proficiency comments.

  • Q4 Pass/Fail assignments and Q4 P/F grades can influence the FINAL grade within a range of 15 points above to 5 points below the current calculated grade based on Q1, Q2 and Q3 for each student in each class.

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