Environmental Wellbeing

Ambient Sounds

Looking for some background noise to help boost productivity while you are working? Check out our favorite videos that you can pull up to bring the ambiance of a fireplace, coffee shop, rainstorm, or office sounds. 


Coffee Shop Noises


Office Sounds

The Power of Music

Check out WHAT's Spotify playlists to help with all of your music needs, just click on the button that matches what you need music for and enjoy the curated tunes. 

Educational Opportunities

WHAT Podcast Offerings

In this week's episode, we explore the science behind music and how it helps to regulate our emotions. They also explain how lo-fi music helps with focusing and how study groups can use music to connect with each other. 

Julie and Grace discuss the different types of sensory play and how it can be helpful for re-centering and de-stressing. 

In this week's episode, Grace and Julie discuss the connection between having pets and our well-being. 

In this week's episode, Grace and Julie discuss their favorite hidden gems on and off campus. These places include coffee shops, restaurants, quiet study areas, and places to have fun! 

Mindful Meanderings Podcast Offerings

This episode focuses on mindfulness by embracing the sights, sounds, and physical sensations associated with fall, allowing participants to appreciate and take in the wonderful changes that come with the turning of the season. 

This episode focuses on mindfulness by embracing the sights, sounds, and sensations associated with spring, allowing participants to move out of winter hibernation and back into spring action. 

In this episode, we will learn more about the Summer Solstice and use guided imagery to take mental vacations and explore the wonders of Oregon.