
GoReact for Supervisors (23/24).webm

What is Go React?

GoReact is an interactive cloud-based platform for feedback, grading, and critiquing of student video assignments. The College of Education will be using this interactive video coaching tool as way to maintain a high-quality observation/feedback cycle  for the POP cycle observations. Access the slide deck and Screencast to learn more about GoReact.  Here is the direct links for the Google  slide deck and Screencast (12:56). Quick walkthrough vid (no audio) 2:08

District Permissions

Access this list to see what the most up-to-date permissions are for using Go React. Teacher Candidates are responsible for getting appropriate permissions and adhering to district guidelines for their POP cycle video capture 

District responses regarding video recording

Additional Resources

2023/24 TC_GoReact Overview

Slides: GoReact for Teacher Candidates

Screencast (9:37)

For any technical questions you or your students have, please reach out to our tech support team. For tips and more use case ideas, visit our resource page here.