ESRI Bussiness and Community Analyst

You need to activate your PSU ArcGIS Online account to use Business Analyst Online (BAO) or Community Analyst (CA).

To gain access to ESRI BAO/CA, please follow the steps below:

  1. If you haven't activated your PSU ArcGIS Online account, please activate your account first. Go to and click on “Using Your Portland State Account.” Enter your ODIN username and password to log on to PSU ArcGIS Online. Note: you will use the same procedures from now on to sign in to your PSU ArcGIS Online account.

  2. Send an email to Geoffrey Duh ( indicating that you need to access ESRI BAO or CA. Please provide your ArcGIS Online account name in your message. It might take up to 3 days to have your request processed.

  3. Once you get a confirmation message from Geoffrey, please follow the steps below to access BAO/CA.

To logon to BAO/CA, please follow the steps below.

  1. Go to for BAO log on or for CA.

  2. Select "ENTERPRISE ACCOUNT" to contiune the log on process.

  3. Enter " pdxedu " as the prefix of the PSU ArcGIS organization's URL.

  4. On the next screen, select "Using Your Portland State Account"

  5. Enter your ODIN username and password to complete the sign in process.

See this video for a quick-start guide for BAO.