How to check registration holds

Follow these easy and simple steps to check and address your registration holds 

Step 1: Login to with your PSU ODIN login. Select the 'Registration hub" tab. 

Step 2:  This will open  a new tab . Select ' Check Reg Status & holds'.

Step 3:  Select for the term that you are trying to register for. Say for an instance, Victor Viking is trying to register for winter term 2023,so, he selected winter term 2023 and then click 'Continue'

Step 4:  Clicking 'Continue' will take you to a page where you can see your holds. You will also be able to see the name of the department and there phone number to take care of your hold. Fortunately, Mr. Vikings has no registration holds on his account. 

Follow the steps discussed below to learn  another easy way to look the holds on your account. 

Step 1: Login to with you PSU ODIN username and password.