Calculate Your Tuition Cost 

In this section, you can learn how to create an estimation of your tuition and fees each term. Other fees may apply depending on your course of study.


To create an estimation of the tuition and fees per term, you will need to access the Tuition & Fees Table located on the PSU website. The images below are from the downloadable PDF version of the Tuition and Fees table. However, there is also a web version available that is accessible per the ADA Accessibility Guidelines.

Step 1: Determine the following:

Step 2: The image below depicts the tuition and fees table on page 1 of the PDF version. In this step, we will be using base tuition which won't accurately reflect differential tuition for certain programs. We will go over differential tuition below after mandatory fees.

The two tables below are separated by the residency status of a student. Resident tuition will fall under the table to the left while non-resident tuition will fall under the table to the right. 

Once you have determined which table you are using, then determine your student type. An undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate student type will be categorized under the "Undergraduate" heading. The graduate student type will be categorized under the "Graduate" heading. 

Now that you have determined which table and column to use to estimate your tuition costs, now you can use the "Credits" column on the far left to find the base tuition cost for the term. Find the number of credits you plan to register for in the far left column and locate the corresponding number within the column that matches your residency status and level.

For example: If you are a resident of Oregon and you are admitted into a graduate-level program, your tuition will be located within the left table under the "Graduate" column. If you chose to take 9 credits, you would locate "9" under the "Credits" column and look for the number that is vertically parallel to "9" which also falls under the "Graduate" column.

Base Tuition for a resident in a graduate level program taking 9 credits for the term would be $4,104.00


The table below depicts the mandatory fees charged for undergraduate and graduate students per term based on the number of credits in which a student is enrolled. Click here to learn more about the mandatory fees and get better understanding about tuition. 

The Health Service Fee is a mandatory fee assessed to all students taking 5 or more credits. The fee includes the services offered by Student Health Center and Counseling (SHAC)It does not include the health insurance premium of $ 1108.00 per term .However, students  have the choice to waive the health insurance premium with proof of insurance

The table does not include one-time matriculation fee of $450 for all new undergraduate, graduate and post baccalaureate students. This is billed at the beginning of the first term. 

Step 3: The table below outlines the different services provide by PSU.As mandatory fees is same for all the student types, the crucial thing you need to consider, while looking your mandatory fee charges, is the number of credits that you will be taking for your upcoming term. 

You can use the "Credits" column on the far left to find the mandatory fees for the term. Find the number of credits you plan to register for in the far left column and locate the corresponding number within the "total fees" section (on the far right) that matches your residency level.

For example: If you are a resident of Oregon who is admitted in graduate-level program, your total mandatory fee for a term will be located in the far right "Graduate" column. If you plan to take 9 credits for your upcoming term, you would locate "9" under the "Credits" column and locate the corresponding "Total fees" number within the column that matches your residency level.

The mandatory fee corresponding to 9 credits will be equal to $602.00.

 Total fee for a term = Base Tuition fee + mandatory fee

                                                    = $ 4,104.00 + $ 602.00

                                                     =$ 4706.00 


For some programs, PSU charges differential on the top of base tuition fee in order to support additional services and programming for students.

The tables below depict the  tuition and  fee for all four colleges that charge differential tuition for undergraduate and graduate students. The differential tuition fee elucidated in the tables below is equal to the sum of the base tuition fee and differential fee for the program. 

To determine your differential tuition per term , the first thing you need to look for is your student type. "Undergraduates" and "Graduates" are both charged different differential tuition per term. 

To determine the student type, look the subheading of the page. The subheading "Differential Tuition Per Term" is followed by the "Student type- Undergraduate or Graduate". 

Once you have determined your student type, look for your school/program at the top of the table. Now, look for your residency status. The left side of each sub-column indicates differential tuition for residents and the right side of each sub-column indicates the differential tuition for the Non-residents. 

Now as you have determined which table and column to use to estimate your differential tuition costs, now you can use "Credits' column on the far left to find the differential tuition per term. Find the number of credits you plan to register for in the far left column and locate the corresponding number within the column that matches your residency status and school/ program.

For an instance, You are a resident undergraduate student who is in the College of Arts, you will use the column labeled "College of Arts" under the sub-column labeled " resident" to access your differential tuition cost per term. 

Say, you are taking 12 credits for  your upcoming term.

So, your tuition cost for one term will be equal to differential tuition fee(Base tuition & differential) + mandatory fee. 

Total cost = Differential tuition fee + mandatory fee 

Total  cost = $2,536 .80 + $ 602.00 

                            =  $3,138.80 

The differential tuition fee for other programs or schools can be found in the same way using the tables below. To access the 2022-23 base academic year and summer tuition and fee pdf, click here.

To access the 2022-23 base academic year and summer tuition and fee pdf, click here.

PSU charges different tuition and fee for the summer term. Click here to access the  base and differential tuition summer 2023. The pages 9- 13 outlines the mandatory fee, and differential tuition per term for summer 2023. 

If  a student is admitted to the University Honors College and to the school with program differential, both the program differential and Honors differential will be assessed. 

So, if you decide to go to University Honors College and to the school with program differential, you have to pay the differential tuition and honors fees per term. You can calculate your Honors fees by the method discussed below: 

Honors fee:  To calculate Honors fee, take the rate at one credit for base tuition($200) and subtract the cost of one credit of honors($207.40). Multiply the difference($7.40) by the number of credits the student would be registering for. 

As you already know differential tuition for your school/program(discussed in Step 4) , you can estimate your total tuition per term by adding your differential tuition , honors fees, and mandatory fees.

Say, for an instance, You are a resident undergraduate student(taking 12 credits) in College of Arts. You are also admitted to University Honors College. 

Total tuition cost for you will be : Differential Tuition cost of College of Arts + Mandatory fees + Honors fee 

So, the honors fee for you will be: $7.40 * 12= $88.80

Total fee for you  = $2,536.80+ $602.00+ $88.80 

                                              = $3,227.60 

The different examples illustrated above can help you in getting a better understanding of your tuition cost per term. If you need further assistance in calculating your tuition cost, you can contact us here.