Sustainability Education


Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians      

“In 1953, farsighted tribal leaders in the Northwest formed the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, and dedicated it to tribal sovereignty and self-determination. Today, ATNI is a nonprofit organization representing 57 Northwest tribal governments from Oregon, Idaho, Washington, southeast Alaska, Northern California and Western Montana. ATNI is an organization whose foundation is composed of the people it is meant to serve -- the Indian peoples.”

Association of Nature and Forest Therapy

ANFT promotes the development and practice of Forest Therapy. Their Forest Therapy Guide Training draws on the latest medical research, new developments in the field of nature connection, and ancient traditions of mindfulness and wellness promotion.

Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education

AASHE’s mission is to empower higher education to lead the sustainability transformation by providing resources, professional development, and a network of support to enable institutions of higher education to model and advance sustainability from governance and operations to education and research.

The Berkana Institute   

Berkana has worked in partnership with a rich diversity of people around the world who strengthen their communities by working with the wisdom and wealth already present in their people, traditions and environments. For twenty years our work has been preparing for unknown futures by creating strong and sustainable relationships, by wisely stewarding the earth’s resources and by building resilient communities. We have learned through experience that most human beings are caring, generous and want to be together; that we can get through anything as long as we’re together. 

Campaign for Environmental Literacy                  

This website focuses on educating the public on key issues in conservation, environment and sustainability education and mobilizing people to advocate and organize for increased funding in these areas.  The site has links to key legislative bills and movements and how to contact local representatives to be sure they support these critical issues.

Center for Whole Communities

Provides trainings, workshops, and assessment tools to those people working in land restoration, community building, food justice and security, social and environmental justice, and many more.  Their programs feature “several core skills, including dialogue, contemplative practice, collaborative approaches, and creativity, and highlight the value of healthy, sustainable food systems.”

Center for Ecoliteracy                 

“We believe that schools play a pivotal role in moving us beyond our growing environmental crises and toward a sustainable society. We recognize schooling for sustainability as a process that fosters abundant living on a finite planet and makes teaching and learning come alive.”  The site features innumerable resources for teachers, education professionals and those working in public offices.  The Center for Ecoliteracy also has services for the support of sustainability education integration in K-12 settings, as well as a list of useful publications, some of which are available to download.

The Center for Ethical Leadership                    

Based in Seattle, WA, The Center for Ethical Leadership is pioneering the study of ethical leadership by asking the question, what kind of leadership does the common good need at this time in this place?  CEL offers workshops and resources to individuals, businesses and organizations interested in exploring the ethical dimensions of leadership and cultivate “gracious space.”

The Center for Health, Environment and Justice 

The CHEJ “was created out of a commitment and passion to work with communities at risk, to empower local families to take steps to protect their neighborhoods and families from unnecessary chemical threats.”  The CHEJ uses skill training, strategic analysis and scientific research to attain their mission.  The Green Flag Schools Program for Environmental Leadership provides a step-by step outline for schools to engage in environmental stewardship.

The Center for Place-Based Education                   

From Antioch University, The Center for Place-Based Education “promotes community-based education programs. Its projects and programs encourage partnerships between students, teachers, and community members that strengthen and support student achievement, community vitality, and a healthy environment.”          is an online hub and media network for social issues and collective action.

The Cloud Institute                      

We monitor the evolving thinking and skills of the most important champions of sustainability, and transform them into educational materials and a pedagogical system that inspires young people to think about the world, their relationships to it, and their ability to influence it in an entirely new way.

Columbia River InterTribal Fish Commission  

The CRITCF’s mission is to “ensure a unified voice in the overall management of the fishery resources, and as managers, to protect reserved treaty rights through the exercise of the inherent sovereign powers of the tribes."


Life and community in the upper Columbia River bioregion.

Common Roots

"Connects farmers, educators, youth, and community members to build a sustainable future through place-based educational and service programs. By collectively growing food for our schools, kitchens and food shelves, we celebrate the soil and soul of community. Our stewardship provides food security, affirms our local environment, and nurtures our common roots.”

Contributing to a More Sustainable Future: Quality Education, Life Skills, and Education for Sustainable Development

The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD) provides and opportunity to progress towards implementing universal quality education that fosters the knowledge, skills, perspectives, and values that lead to a more sustainable future. UNESCO had identified 10 key aspects of quality education, five at the level of the learner and five at the level of the school system. Quality education calls for using a life-skills approach. Learning a variety of skills will prepare individuals for a more successful life at home, in their communities, and in the workforce.

The Earth Charter Initiative 

The mission of the Earth Charter Initiative is to promote the transition to sustainable ways of living and a global society founded on a shared ethical framework that includes respect and care for the community of life, ecological integrity, universal human rights, respect for diversity, economic justice, democracy, and a culture of peace.  Of particular interest is their education page.


Ecotrust aims to “innovate, invest and inspire… fresh thinking that creates economic opportunity, social equity and environmental well-being.”  They support, facilitate and inform individuals and groups on a host of issues pertaining to sustainability, environment and communities.

Economics for Equity and Environment 

The E3 Network develops and applies economic arguments for active protection of human health and the natural environment.  E3 Network is a national network of economists developing new arguments for the active protection of human health and the environment.

Education for Sustainable Development Toolkit 

The ESD Toolkit is an easy-to-use manual for beginning the process of combining education and sustainability.  The Education for Sustainable Development Toolkit will help schools and communities develop a process for creating locally relevant and culturally appropriate education.

The Environmental Literacy Council

The ELC brings together scientists, educators, economists and other experts on the field of environmental education.  The website offers background information and resources on environmental topics, curricular materials, and textbook reviews.

The Farm-Based Education Association 

The mission of the Farm-Based Education Association is to “inspire, nurture, and promote farm-based education.”  The site has resources on pedagogy, curriculum, other materials posted my farm based educators.

Facing the Future 

Based in Seattle, this organization offers workshops, trainings, and resources to middle and high school teachers interested in sustainability education from around the world.  They emphasize the interconnected nature of social and environmental phenomenon.  Site includes a curriculum finder.

The Food Trust  

Promotes better nutrition and food literacy through education, promoting good food policy, and advocating for access to healthy foods for all.

Fourth World Conference on Women                                                        

The Division for the Advancement of Women in the United Nations hosted the Fourth Conference on Women in Beijing, China in 1995.  The DAW “advocates the improvement of the status of women of the world, and the achievement of their equality with men –as equal actors, partners, and beneficiaries of sustainable development, human rights, peace and security.”  Read the 1995 Beijing Declaration here.

Framework for the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development International Implementation Scheme

In December 2002, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted resolution 57/254 to put in place a United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD), spanning from 2005 to 2014. UNESCO was requested to lead the Decade and develop a draft International Implementation Scheme (IIS) for the Decade. This document fulfils the request for an IIS and is the result of extensive consultations with the United Nation agencies, national governments, civil society organizations, and NGO's experts and specialists.

Girls’ and Women’s Education Initiative 

“Using education as a primary strategy, the Girls' & Women's Education Initiative aims to harness the potential of girls and women to learn, lead and act on their vision of change for themselves, their families, and their communities.”

Go Green Initiative 

This program aims to cultivate a culture of environmental responsibility and stewardship on school campuses around the world.  They offer toolkits for those interested in greening their child’s school.

Good Practices in Teacher Education

This publication by UNESCO is a collection of eight case studies from teacher education institutions around the world. The eight describe: curriculum revision, research, international and national in service teacher education, creating a new academic department, networking internationally, building a sustainable campus, and starting an academic journal.

Guidelines and Recommendations for Reorienting Teachers Education to Address Sustainability

These guidelines and recommendations were written by an International Network of 30 teacher-education institutions from around the world and published by UNESCO. There are 67 recommendations for levels from the national ministerial level to the local level. The recommendations are illustrated with short descriptions of activities related to reorienting programs, practices, and policies to address sustainability.

Indigenous Environmental Network                      

EN was formed by grassroots Indigenous peoples and individuals to address environmental and economic justice issues (EJ). IEN's activities include building the capacity of Indigenous communities and tribal governments to develop mechanisms to protect our sacred sites, land, water, air, natural resources, health of both our people and all living things, and to build economically sustainable communities.

Indigenous Knowledge Commons

Dedicated to the interdisciplinary teaching of Indigenous and Traditional knowledge by utilizing mainstream and tribal knowledge, this site explores the revitalization of indigenous cultures through education. 

International Institute for Sustainable Development 

IISD champions innovation which enables societies to live sustainably and create better living conditions for all.

The Journal of Sustainability Education

The Journal of Sustainability Education (JSE) serves as a forum for academics and practitioners to share, critique, and promote research, practices, and initiatives that foster the integration of economic, ecological, and social-cultural dimensions of sustainability within formal and non-formal educational contexts. 

Kids Gardening

National Gardening Association program that provides resources, materials, and teaching tips for connecting youth with gardens.  The site also has grants for those interested in funding a kid's gardening projects.

North American Association of Environmental Educators

NAAEE brings the brightest minds together to accelerate environmental literacy and civic engagement through the power of education.

The Northwest Earth Institute

The Northwest Earth Institute is recognized as a national leader in developing innovative programs that emphasize individual responsibility, the importance of a supportive community, and the dual need to walk lightly on and to take action for the earth. By reaching out to people in their workplace, home, faith center, neighborhood, and community, NWEI provides easy access to tools for individual and cultural change.

Oregon Farm to School and School Garden Network

OFSSGN improves the health and well-being of youth, families, farms, and the environment by supporting members of Oregon’s farm to school and school garden community the their work to incorporate healthy, local food into school meals and implement food and garden-based education.

Orion Magazine

It is Orion’s fundamental conviction that humans are morally responsible for the world in which we live, and that the individual comes to sense this responsibility as he or she develops a personal bond with nature. Orion’s mission is to inform, inspire, and engage individuals and grassroots organizations in becoming a significant cultural force for healing nature and community. 

Post Carbon Institute

Post Carbon Institute is leading the transition to a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable world providing individuals, communities, businesses, and governments with the resources needed to understand and respond to the interrelated economic, energy, and environmental crises that define the 21st century.  Site includes a media blog, speakers, fellows and a resource page.


“Within the beautifully illustrated pages of Resurgence is an eclectic mix of articles on ecology, alternative education, spirituality, sustainable development and the arts, as well as regular poetry, gardening and recipe columns, humor, reviews and more. Some issues are given over to a particular theme such as food, Nature, transport or a particular country or individual.”

Seven Generations Education Institute

The Seven Generations Education Institute is dedicated to excellence in lifelong learning and empowerment through Anishinaabemowin, by providing community-based and student-centered learning opportunities for Anishinaabeg.

Stratleade Sustainability Education 

Concerned with the development of leaders for the sustainability movement, this site aims to “to support and promote global public education on Strategic Sustainable Development.”  A blog roll of researchers and professionals in the field of sustainable development is included, as well as a reading list and links to other resources and organizations.

Sustainability Leadership Institute 

The Sustainability Leadership Institute hopes to be a conduit for sharing real-life stories, learning and action research findings.  Their goal is to provide real-time resources that are useful to sustainability leaders.

Transitions US

The Transition Movement is a vibrant, grassroots movement that seeks to build community resilience in the face of such challenges as peak oil, climate change and the economic crisis. It represents one of the most promising ways of engaging people in strengthening their communities against the effects of these challenges, resulting in a life that is more abundant, fulfilling, equitable and socially connected.            

University Leaders for a Sustainable Future 

ULSF supports sustainability as a critical focus of teaching, research, operations and outreach in higher education through publications, research, and assessment.  Includes assessment resources, a publications page, and links to sustainability degree programs.

What is Education for Sustainable Development?

This PowerPoint presentation contains 43 slides that describe education for sustainable development (ESD) and the benefits of education to society. ESD has four major thrusts: (1) improving access and retention in quality basic education, (2) reorienting teacher education to address sustainability, (3) improving public understanding and awareness, and (4) providing training to all sectors of the economy. ESD involves lifelong learning and engages formal, nonformal, and informal sectors of the education community.

World Education      

World Education is well known for its work around the globe in environmental education, community development, maternal and child health, school governance, integrated literacy, small enterprise development, HIV and AIDS education and prevention and care, and refugee training. World Education also works to strengthen literacy and adult basic education programs in the United States. Projects are designed to contribute to individual growth, as well as to community and national development.

World Resources Institute   

Working with businesses, academia, and social programs, WRI works to alleviate today’s most pressing resource problems.  Active projects include work on climate change, ecological restoration, government responsibility and accountability and sustainable economies.

Yes! Magazine                  

Yes! is concerned with peace options and economic alternatives and explores justice, sustainability and compassion.