Postsecondary Adult and Continuing Education

PACE curriculum                                                      

The PACE program requires the completion of at least 45 credits, which includes at minimum:

Students have considerable flexibility in shaping their thematic specialization and elective course work in consultation with a faculty advisor.

Courses are delivered in a variety of formats including on campus, hybrid, and online. Classes on campus are held in the evenings (4-6:30pm or 6:40-9:20pm) and weekends. Summer courses are offered both during the day and in the evening. For up-to-date schedules visit the ELP Course Planning Guide.

PACE program of study

ELP Professional Studies Core: (16 credits)

Students may complete the professional studies core at any point in their program. However, it is recommended that students complete ELP 520 and ELP 511 as early as possible.

Thematic specializations and electives (25 credits)

The Thematic Specializations are to serve as a learning guide in assisting students with focusing and developing their program. They are not intended to be prescriptive. As such, working with their advisor students may choose one theme or combine courses from a variety of themes.


Students may also be interested in courses offered by other PSU academic units including the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (anthropology, sociology, psychology, philosophy—conflict management and ethics, applied linguistics, and speech communication); the College of Urban Public Affairs; and the School of Business Administration. In addition, the Intercultural Communications Institute offers summer workshops and seminars: 503-297-4622,

Self-Directed Learning Credit (Independent Study)

Students may work with faculty to design a self-directed learning experience. Most students engage in independent study after they have completed at least 20 credits of course work. At this point, specific learning needs and interests may be identified. Students might engage in research, program evaluation, practicum, internship, special project, or reading and conference on selected topics. No more than 6 total credits of 506 coursework and no more than 6 total credits of 509 coursework may be used toward a PACE graduate degree. For more information, contact your faculty advisor or instructor.

Culminating Experience (4 credits) 

Candidates for the Master's degree with a specialization in Postsecondary, Adult & Continuing Education must select, in consultation with their faculty advisor, one of two culminating experiences: comprehensive examination or thesis. The majority of students complete the comprehensive exam, which involves a professionally grounded theory-to-practice project formally contextualized in the research literature. The thesis requires an oral exam in addition to the written product and is likely to significantly extend a student's time to completion.

Comprehensive Exam (COMPS) option: The comprehensive exam is a project-based experience that requires enrollment in ELP 507: PACE Comps (4 credits), taken as Pass/No Pass and offered every term. The project entails completion of an eportfolio which includes evidence of key learning in the program and a theory-to-practice paper. Students should have completed a minimum of 35 credits, including the Professional Studies Core, before enrolling in the course. The ELP 507: PACE Comp course will meet 4 to 6 times during the term to help guide students through the completion of their eportfolio. Students will present their projects/paper orally in the final meeting(s) of the course. Further options and guidelines for completing the comprehensive examination process will be discussed in the class.

Thesis option: The thesis option requires enrollment in 6-9 credits of ELP 503: Thesis. The thesis is likely to require 2-4 quarters of additional work before completion of the program. This also requires the appointment of a Thesis Committee of two tenure-track faculty, one of whom must be from the ELP Department, and a faculty member appointed by the Office of Graduate Studies. Visit the Office of Graduate Studies website for thesis guidelines.

For information about the 18-credit PACE graduate certificate programs, please visit PACE Graduate Certificates.

Program description

The PACE master’s program is designed to be responsive to the needs of working adults by offering convenient late afternoon, evening, hybrid, and online classes.

The PACE program serves those who wish to teach, develop programs, or manage programs for adult learners in college or non-college settings, or those who already work in this field but want to improve their practice and advance.

In addition, PACE offers the following graduate certificates:

PACE learning outcomes

As a result of successfully completing the program, all graduates are expected to demonstrate their learning in the following core areas:

The Educational Leadership and Policy Department (ELP) offers a Master of Science or Master of Arts* in Education with a specialization in Postsecondary, Adult & Continuing Education (PACE).

*Master of Arts degree requires proficiency in a foreign language. The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures (503-725-3522) administers the language examination taken any time prior to one's final term.

PACE guiding principles

The PACE specialty is guided by a specific set of principles and values that is incorporated into course content and interactions:

PACE mission statement

To develop adult educators who are able to anticipate and respond to the changing developmental issues of diverse adult learners, organizations, and communities.

PACE Program Coordinator

To schedule an office or phone appointment regarding the Postsecondary Adult and Continuing Education Master's Degree, email Dr. Ramin Farahmandpur at: