Community Service

PSU, COE, and Department service. My service to Portland State University and the College of Education includes participation on committees such as the COE Promotion and Tenure Committee as well as Special Education Departmental committees: Student Success, which supports students who are at risk, and Assessment, which coordinates evaluation and assessment activities within the Department. In addition, an area of unique service includes my role with the Career and Community Studies (CCS) program. CCS supports young adults with intellectual disability admitted to PSU who enroll in coursework and engage in career development as a unique aspect of preparing for the transition to adulthood. Within this project, my primary responsibilities have been more administrative, and therefore, I have been able to serve PSU across multiple units on campus to promote and support inclusive practices among a myriad of administrative units, faculty, and students. These efforts offer support for growth throughout the University to ensure continued support for a wide range of diverse students. My letters from Susan Bert and Ann Fullerton attest to my collaboration with CCS.

My service to Department and the COE includes serving on the Student Success Committee (see letters of support from Sheldon Loman, Melissa Pebly and Lynn Coupland related to this services and other collaborations in the Department). I have also served on the search committee for the hiring of our COE Development Director (see letter from Brian Hess, PSU Foundation).

My service to the wider community extends beyond the PSU boundaries through collaboration with local advocacy agencies (e.g., Northwest Downs Syndrome Association), and I sit on the NWDSA Think College Inclusive West Coast Coalition, (see flyer) which focuses on an effort to promote and expand inclusive postsecondary programs for youth with intellectual disability. In addition, as I have begun efforts to participate in statewide collaboration with the Oregon Department of Education and the Disability Rights of Oregon.

National service. My national service to the field has been extensive through state and national leadership roles in major disability organizations (Division of Career Development and Transition, TASH, see letters from Dr. Jane Razeghi & Dr. Diane Ryndak ), editorial committees of peer-reviewed flagship journals (eg., Exceptional Children, Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals), guest reviewing for 18 peer-reviewed journals; as well as sitting on multiple advisory groups for national organizations, federal grant reviews, and federal, state and organizational task forces (See CV for details). I have also participated in national grant review panels for a wide range of federal agencies. Finally, I want to highlight my service through consulting as an expert witness on lawsuits impacting youth with significant disabilities during transition.

Editorial Boards

2018-Present Journal of Inclusive Postsecondary Education

2017-Present Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation

2016-Present Exceptional Children

2007-Present Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals

Journal Reviewer

2018-Present Journal of Special Education

2017-Present Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

2016-Present Journal of Teacher Education

20167Present Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation

2016-Present Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities

2016- Present International Journal of Developmental Disabilities

2015-Present Exceptional Children

2014-present Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities

2014-present Journal of Child and Family Studies

2013-present American Educational Research Journal-Teaching, Learning and Human Development

2015-present American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology

2014-present Journal of Child and Family Studies

2014-2015 High School Journal

2012- present Research and Practice in Severe Disabilities

2011-present Remedial and Special Education

National Advisory Boards

2017-2019 American Education Research Association Educational Research Conference Planning Committee: Policy, Practice, and Long-Term Outcomes: The Current State and Future Directions of Research for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.

2017-2019 National Community of Practice on Youth Receiving Supplemental Security Income, Inclusive Education Affinity Group Facilitator. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP). Washington, D.C.

2017-2018 National Down Syndrome Society, Inclusive Education Advisory Board, Washington, D.C.

2015-2016 National Center for Learning Disabilities Personalized Learning Project, National Advisory Board

2014-2016 Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform (CEEDAR)

2014-2016 Networked Improvement Community

2014-2016 Advisory Committee Member

2015-2016 Intensive State Lead, Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Content Developer, CEEDAR Content Enhancement Module: Transition Planning and Services

2014-2015 Autism Spectrum Disorder in Action: Autism Certification Program, Transition Center

2013-2018 Schoolwide Integrated Framework for Transformation (SWIFT) Center National Leadership Consortium

2013-Present National Technical Assistance Center for Transition Leadership Team

Expert Witness

2017- 2019 Expert Witness, C.S. v Butte School District No. 1, Butte, Montana. Expert testimony regarding transition planning and service delivery.

2015- 2017 U.S. Department of Justice, Lane v. Brown. Class action lawsuit focused on reducing enrollment in sheltered workshops in the state of Oregon. Settled in favor of the plaintiff.