Frequently Asked Questions

Are meals included? 

Yes! Breakfast and lunch are provided on all 3 days. For full details of the meals provided, view the Event Meals Page. 

I have a disability and need accommodations. How do I inform conference staff? 

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accommodations are available. The Registration Form asks if you need an accommodation due to a disability to fully participate at SRA.  If you select “yes” or ‘maybe” on the Registration Form, a staff person will reach out. If you want to modify your response or have questions,  email us at

Is there a dress code for the SRA? 

There is no dress code for the SRA. Casual clothing is fine as long as it is school-appropriate. 

What should I bring to SRA? 

Just yourself and your hunger to learn! We will be providing free pens & journals as well as other fun swag. You may also want to bring your own pen and notebook for taking notes.