Claregalway Educate Together NS

Welcome to 5th Class in CETNS. We are delighted to be part of the Galway 2020 Virtually Here project.

Scroll to the bottom to explore our CoSpaces

Our Project: (Term 1)

  • We all submitted a Google Slides assignment to Google Classroom. We picked two local historical landmarks in Claregalway and created a presentation.

  • One pupil's grandfather was involved in writing a local history book. She brought in the book for us. There was much more information in the book than we could find on Google. There was also a second history book full of old pictures.

  • We used the old photographs from the book to sketch local historical landmarks. Each child sketched one landmark. The grúpa buí took charge of designing a large map of Claregalway for us. We then attached our landmark drawings to the map.

  • The following week, we all picked one personal story of Claregalway. We wrote our stories onto card, illustrated them and attached it to the same map.

  • This allowed us to create a display in the classroom we are using for our project. It is full of historical landmarks and personal stories. We hope to add to this board as the project progresses with our future/fantasy ideas!

  • Check out the tour we created of Claregalway below.

Our Project (Term 2/3)

  • We have used our research from term 1 to help us to create our virtual environments in CoSpaces. We have really loved the creation of our fantasy environments in particular and we are all learning from each other.

  • While our local history learning encompassed numerous areas of historical interest, we narrowed our focus to three historical environments in Claregalway for our projects: The Nine Arches Bridge, The Franciscan Friary and Claregalway Castle. One group is using our school as a personal landscape in CoSpaces. Our fantasy landscapes are full of wonderful creatures and innovative designs but many take inspiration from our landscape here in Claregalway. We look forward to presenting our learning on the 28th of May.

CoSpaces - Our Landscapes

Group 1: Claregalway (Abbey) and Claregalway in a Fantasy World

Share Link:

Share Code: AQM-QVQ

Group 2: Claregalway (Nine Arches) and An Imagined Galaxy

Share Link:

Share Code: USY-BYF

Group 3: Claregalway Castle - Past, Present and Future/Fantasy

Share Link:

Share Code: LEM-DTE

Group 4: Claregalway Educate Together (Present) and The Elements: Fire, Earth, Water and Air.

Share Link:

Share Code: RHH-SAD