
Students have the following number of prints

Black & White:  up to a maximum of 6 sides of a page per school day (i.e. 3 two-sided prints or 6 one-sided prints)

-B & W is reset each day

Colour: 5 sides of a page per YEAR

Printer locations for Students


Library Lexmark (black & white): 1315LibraryLexmark810

Innovation lab  (colour): 1315-Lab-HPColorM555


Student Services (black & white): 1315StuService-LexmarkMS810

**Note: printing can only be done from Board Chromebooks & computers NOT BYOD devices**

How to Print

Before you print...

If printer locations do not appear on your Chromebook, do the following:

Have your CB Crew Leader write down the CB number and CB Serial number to give to Ms. Shisko

and then

Log out of that CB and try a different one

Eco-friendly Printing: