The "Virtual Wellness Centre" consists of resources for students such as documents, graphic organizers, videos, links to websites, etc. , where students can learn about and use various coping and wellness strategies to help them through these uncertain times. This resource was created by Louise Arbour S.S. teachers.

Wellness Resources-Virtual Wellness Center

The Climate and Well-Being Supports for Educators resource was created by members of the PDSB Climate Team.

Climate + Well-Being Supports Choice Grid

Trauma-Sensitive Tools

"This Trauma-Sensitive Toolkit is designed as a resource for educators, mental health professionals, and families to help:

  • Understand ways that trauma may present in children and teens in various settings at home and within the online learning space, including anxiety, hopelessness, withdrawal, irritability, depression, and exhaustion.

  • Equip you with accessible 7 yoga and mindfulness tools to support your children and teens through the effects of trauma, and

  • Identify the compounding effects of multiple collective traumas on vulnerable youth, including marginalized, disabled, and/or disenfranchised individuals and communities."

Mental Health for Everyone

How to Provide Antiracist Mental Health Care is now available. The training is comprehensive and addresses the unique challenges of racialized populations when seeking care.

Student Mental Health and Well-Being Toolkit

This resource was created by the Peel District School Board. While nearly everyone has faced disruption, we must acknowledge the complex, varying ways individuals have experienced these months. The pandemic has exposed and exacerbated existing inequalities in education and emphasized the need for learning environments that welcome and support all students, especially those that were not equitably served prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. At certain times, we are required to shift our focus and our priorities. This year, more than ever, educators must respond with increased empathy and compassion and prioritize the well-being of children over curriculum.

Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies

The OACAS has prepared a collection of resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic and child welfare and created a series of social media messages around the importance of child and family well-being during the pandemic.

Mental Health Awareness Month

"This Mental Health Awareness Month, we hope you find time and space to take care of yourself and support your students. These resources, including an article introducing the Crisis Text Line, recommend practices that can be used at the district, school or classroom level."

Introduction to Ekman's Atlas of Emotions_Staff Meeting

Resource created by Louise Arbour S.S. Wellness Committee