Hindu Heritage Month Choice Board

Use this choice board to engage students in learning about Hindu-Canadians, Hindu culture, and Hindu celebrations! This resource was created by the following Peel educators: LaToya Green, Jacqueline Gurdyal, Antonella Kalaitzis and Azi Manji.

Hindu Heritage Month Guide

The TDSB has put together a great resource for 2020 that you can use. This resource contains links to films, books and articles to help learn more about Hindu Heritage Month.

Hindu Lifestyle

A little known fact to many Hindus currently living in India is the existence of Hindus of West Indian origin- Hindus who faced the hardship of Indentureship under British rule and whose ancestors left India for the Caribbean islands -- countries such as Guyana, Trinidad, Suriname and Jamaica-- never to return. Follow this YouTube channel, Hindu Lifestyle, to learn more.