Unit 3

Unit 3 - Repetition

Here we look into "for" and "while" loops.

While we primarily use IDLE for our current IDE, there are many more available and some even online that you are free to try out.

A very cool online tool that can show your code running line by line to help debugging is: http://www.pythontutor.com/visualize.html#mode=edit

However, all submitted code must work in IDLE.

01 - For Loops - Day 1

02 - For Loops - Day 2

03 - For Loops - Day 3

04 - Conditional Loops - Day 1

05 - Conditional Loops - Day 2

06 - Conditional Loops - Day 3

07 - Number Systems - Day 1

08 - Number Systems - Day 2 - Work Period

09 - Random Module - Day 1

10 - Random Module - Day 2

11 - Error Checking - Day 1

12 - Error Checking - Day 2 - Work Period

13 - Programming Assignment - 3 days

14 - Nested Loops

15 - Review