Unit 1 - Introduction (Binary, IO, If)

Unit 1 - Introduction

Here we familiarize ourselves with the understanding number systems and converting between them (Binary, Decimal, Hexidecimal, etc), simple input/output to the screen and basic ideas of programming in Java.

01 - Binary and Hex

02 - Output

03 - Input

04 - Variables

05 - Math Functions

06 - Modulus, Integer Division, Rounding

07 - Boolean

08 - If-Decision Statements

09 - Work / Catch-up Period

10 - String Char

11 - Efficient Ifs

12 - Sample Test

13 - Work / Catch-up Period

- Project 1 Intro - Criteria A (Due two weeks)

14 - Opportunity to Increase Mark - Program

15 - Opportunity to Increase Mark - Written