02 - Loops, Tracing, PDLC

Unit 2

Building on variables and Decisions, here we look into efficiently repeating code, debugging our code, and the Product Development Life Cycle (PDLC)

01 - Loops Intro-For

02 - Controlled Loops - Sentinel While

03 - Loops Examples

04 - Loops Sandwich

-Intro Criteria B, Project 1 - Due in Two Weeks

05 - Nested Loops

06 - PDLC

07 - Tracing - Basic Debugging

08 - Methods

09 - Why Methods?

10 - Method Tracing

11 - Method Tracing 2

-Intro Criteria C, Project 1 - Due in two weeks

12 - Method Tracing 3 (Wow, tracing must be important!!!)

13 - Local and Instance Variables

14 - Sample Test