Professional Development

New to Our Site:

Ms. Duval is curating resouces on Wakelet. If you'd like to see what she finds before it's here Click here.

If you have been looking for resources to integrate African Canadian History in your subject area this is a great site to start with.

The full site is below or click here to view on the web.

Centering Indigenous Voices in the Classroom

- Webinar with Drew Hayden Taylor

recent ETFO Webinars (recorded)

Welcome to Professional Development Opportunities Online!

I will be honest, I am including opportunities that are near and dear to my heart. (I can include ones you love too, just send me an email).

1)The FOLD is based in Brampton, it's an online literary festival focused on diversity of all kinds. It's amazing! Panels from the online event are now available on YouTube.

2)Desmond Cole is the author of "The Skin We're In: A Year of Black Resistance and Power". This podcast is discussing themes from the book and gives us the vocabulary to discuss systemaic and instituional racism. I highly recommend the book. If you can't get a copy right now, I also recommend the podcast.

3) VoicEd is an online radio station devoted to conversations about education. Maybe you love Podcasts, maybe you don't, maybe you've never heard a PodCast. In any case, this is a great place to find timely conversations about education in Ontario.

Ms. Duval's Article:

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: Mental Wellness, E-Learning, and Doing Our Best