Archived Content

(moved from the home page to this section for future use)


Visit the PDSB Home page to access further resources.

National Indigenous History Month

Google Earth: Indigenous Peoples in Canada have a rich cultural heritage that goes back to time immemorial. Travel across Canada to learn a bit about the traditions and cultures of First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

ON CORE -accessible through BYOD has over 600 Indigenous videos

Consider This:

How might you include a Land Acknowledgement in your online routine?

Think about going beyond acknowledging and moving into action.

What do you include in your program to teach about the history of the land we are on?

What are ongoing issues for the Indigenous people of Turtle Island?

(Underlined text above is a live link.)

Contact Ms. Duval for more resources or to collaborate about a plan we can use as a school.

Try This:

Our talented Ms. Emmanuel has created this tutorial on how to create a Choice Board. Our teachers are creating these Choice Boards: (example 1, example 2) for their weekly assignments. Click here to download the Bitmoji extension for Chrome (just for fun).

This site was created by our PDSB Library team and features Choice Boards if you want to see some in action.

This PDSB Slides draft has some tips for Choice Boards.

If you're on Twitter there are a tonne of examples: @tina_zita and @the_mulc are also sharing tips for the ones they've made (like the one to the right). More tips! and Appy Hour:Choice Grids

Choice Boards you can use: Brain Breaks, Physical Activity

Add a Kahoot to your Choice Board.