What can we do about: Anti-Black Racism in PDSB?

  1. Read the documents.

  2. Understand your own bias. Understand what micoraggressions are.

  3. Learn as much as you can about the things you don't know. The more we learn and understand the issue the better able we are to identify ant-black racism, white supermacy, and priviledge. We can use our learning to build positive relastionships with our students, their families and the community.

  1. Read the documents.

These 2 documents have been shared with you via Board email.

Below the documents are links for further learning.

-Ontario Ministry of Education

(followed by Padlet from Staff meeting)

Ministry Directive for the PDSB:

Resources to support Staff Learning About Anti-Black Racism

2. Understand your own bias.

Learn what microagressions are.

Learn about White Privilege.

Addressing Racial Bias and Microaggressions in Online Environments

Deconstructing White Privilege

Deconstructing White Privilege with Dr. Robin DiAngelo

3. Learn as much as you can about the things you don't know.

The more we learn and understand the issue the better able we are to identify ant-black racism, white supermacy, and priviledge. We can use our learning to build positive relastionships with our students, their families and the community.





*We are adding these titles to our Professional Library collection.

We currently have: The Skin We're in, Policing Black Lives, Stamped, Respond + Rebuild


Netflix Movies:

More Resources:

A Google Slides presentation by Jennifer Brown (TL Castlebrooke PS-PDSB)

Talking to Kids About Racism and Being Anti-Racist - Resources for Staff