WB 10/09/23


Seesaw will be our new school communication Application, it will replace the class pages and will provide an opportunity for students and teachers to share learning with you, it will also be used as a messaging service and will enable parents and teachers to engage in dialogue. We will provide more information in the coming weeks on how parents can use the application.

We are currently introducing it in school and ensuring all staff are familiar with Seesaw, our next step will be to load student profiles on the system this will enable us to communicate directly with parents and provide relevant information. Our target launch date is the end of September for full implementation. As with all new systems, we will experience a few glitches, however the end result will be an enhanced communication system for our school.

Please see the data privacy information in the link below and confirm  if you are happy for you and your family to use the application:

PDO School Seesaw Consent 

Tim Robinson


Learner of the week

For always being polite and respectful.

IPC Entry Point - 'The Stories People Tell'

During this unit, we will be focusing on learning in the following subjects.


In History, we’ll be learning about:

In Geography, we’ll be learning about:

Dear Parents,

Next week in IPC we will order events from our lives in chronological order. It would assist us greatly if you could email photos or send hard copies of photographs depicting key moments in your child's life, such as:

first time eating solid food

first holiday

first steps

first day of school

first time swimming/trying gymnastics, etc. 

If you have any questions about our IPC unit, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please send the photographs by next Tuesday 19th September.


Mohsin Shabir

Cultural stories

Thank you Una for bringing in a book from your own culture and reading it to the class.


- Counting back from a given number

- One more, one less.

English - Pumpkin Soup

The children used their VIPERS skills to answer questions relating to the text.

They made their own ingredients for the Pumpkin Soup and labelled them.

They also used descriptive phrases to describe the characters.

To sequence the story.

If you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to pop me an email at mohsins@pdoschool.com 

Have a wonderful Weekend!