WB 03/09/23

I am very proud how quickly all the children have settled. You are all stars Y1M!

Learner of the week

Layan Ibrahim

Thank you for the great attendance at our Meet the teacher evening.

Contact details: Mr. Mohsin

Email: mohsins@pdoschool.com

Class Parent: Claudia Cabarcas will be Class Parent for Y1M - Thank you for your support.

More details to come.

IPC Entry Point - 'The Stories People Tell'

During this unit, we will be focusing on learning in the following subjects.


In History, we’ll be learning about:

In Geography, we’ll be learning about:


- Sorting objects.

- Counting on from any number.

English - Oi Frog

- Sequence events in a story.

- Create our own rhyming pairs.

If you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to pop me an email at mohsins@pdoschool.com 

Have a wonderful Weekend!