SEL Activities

The 5 SEL Competencies

Identified by the Collaborative for Academic & Social Emotional Learning (CASEL) & 

the NJ Core Content Curriculum Standards for SEL

All activities offered are based on these 5 SEL Competencies: 

Start with Hello

A Sandy Hook Promise program to help combat social isolation & incorporate kindness and compassion into the school community

The Hidden Opponent

Offering support to our student athletes & bringing awareness to mental health in athletics in this student ambassador program

Trimester Workshops

Each semester we offer Wellness Workshops for students to participate in based on student and school community needs & interest

SEL & Art Workshop

This workshop will focus on exploring the social emotional competency of  Self-Awareness & Self-Management as student work through their emotional needs, goals, and identity by expressing themselves through various arts & crafts activities.

Restorative Circles

In collaboration with the Student Success Office, students are referred  to participate in a Restorative Intervention Workshop after school for targeted, Tier 2, intervention workshops led by a school psychologist and SEL specialist.

Crafting for Good

A collaboration with Ms. Houghton-Kiel to bring a healthy hobby to our students to create crochet/knit squares to be donated to the Crafting for Good organization