How to sew Gowns

Gowns for the Medical Play Dolls are an extra something special that makes the children adore these dolls so much more!! You can sew the gown and pants or just a gown. Either way it will make a child's day.

what you need

-Gather your favorite piece of cloth. It can have whatever designs or patterns you choose on it. I typically used patterns that children enjoyed. Such as baseballs or ballerinas, etc.


-Bias tape

-Sewing machine


-Medical Play Doll Gown Pattern.

-Elastic if making pants

Step 1

Gather the fun fabric.

Step 2

Step 3

Place fabric good side to good side. So when looking at it, it seems wrong side out.

Step 4

Sew together the shoulder seams and side seams using a basic stitch or a zigzag stitch. Whichever you prefer.

Step 5

Hem the bottom, arm holes, and back opening.

Step 6

Sew Bias tape at the neck, plus an extra 5 inches on each side to tie together. This allows the gown to stay on the dolls and it adds a cute little touch. You don't have use bias tape. You can use whatever is similar.