Health Considerations Tables

for Aging Persons with a Developmental Disability


The Health Considerations material has been prepared as a tool to be used by staff who provide primary support to Aging Persons with a Developmental Disability.

Using the tables guides staff to gather and prepare important Health information.

This information can be used for a medical appointment, an annual health review or for a hospital visit.

Please note, an individual’s situation may necessitate the completion of more than one of the ‘System’ specific tables.

The tables have application for verbal and non-verbal adults alike. Completion of the information should be achieved using established communication strategies and resources.

We would like to acknowledge the Central Region Partnership on Aging & Developmental Disabilities and the Central West Community Network of Specialized Care for promoting the development of this material. We also acknowledge the work of Violet Atkinson and Eleanor Whitelock for their work in creating this material.
Developed byViolet Atkinson RN, BScN.Eleanor Whitelock, RN, Parent/Advocate

Special thanks toCentral Region Partnership ON - Aging & Developmental DisabilitiesCentral West Community Network of Specialized Care
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