Open Pedagogy


We've looked into OER, flexible copyright, and culturally responsive teaching. This week, we're going to consider open pedagogy- a way that we can use flexible copyright to center our students as creators of educational materials.

First, read David Wiley's "What is Open Pedagogy?" If there is a seminal open pedagogy article, this is it.

Next, watch Rajiv Jhangiani describe open pedagogy. This clip is a part of a longer keynote that Jhangiani gave at the University of Waterloo.

Then, read "Open Pedagogy and Social Justice" by Jhangiani and Robin DeRosa (learn more about her work in the examples section of our content this week).


Listen to Robin DeRosa from Plymouth State University, describe the evolution of her open pedagogy project, The Open Anthology of Earlier American Literature.

See some other open pedagogy examples here listed on this guide from UTA.

And more examples here in the Open Pedagogy Notebook.

Week 4 Tasks