Level 5


Humanity and Charity 

  I agree that a good person must give money to charity for three reasons. First, giving money to charity shows humane treatment of other people, nature or animals. Human treatment is definitely a good trait. This trait shows care, kindness and a heart of gold towards others. It's extremely important to demonstrate it for the community, for it sets a great example. Living in a community which  has human treatment of others means living in a safe world. Now, it is truly valuable to live in a safe world because people increasingly demonstrate aggression, disrespect and judgment. Second, giving money helps charitable organizations. These companies do really great work to make our world a better place. Being a part of it helps to unite the community and bridges some of the social, economic, political, and environmental gaps. For example, a lot of charitable organizations help people who suffer from wars. Even a small contribution from one good person can help to support that huge cause. Finally, when a good person supports a charity, it means that this person is not an egoist. Selfish people only think about themselves, and a good person always feels the need to give a helping hand. Giving a helping hand is one of the ways to show love to others, so giving money to charity is one of the amazing ways to express love without demanding anything in return. This behavior can teach each man to become the same good person. I believe that because our world needs good people more. As a result, we can have a civilized and helpful society of good people. In short, giving money to charity is a must for being in a good community, great company and amazing world.

Written by: Miranda Matveichenko 

Photo by: cottonbro studio Pexel

A Good Person

Good people don’t only have to give money to charity, but they can help in other ways. First, giving money to charity is only one of the characteristics of good people, but they can help others without money. For example, they can donate their time to care of older adults, people without housing, and the terminally ill. They can assist people who face  difficulties, poverty, and diseases. This type of charity is done with understanding and without money. For example, a very poor, blind Vietnamese woman may help everyone if she can. Every weekend, she may go to the hospital to visit those patients who don’t have  anyone to take care of them. She does not give money to charity, but she is a good person. Second, good people are kind, generous, and friendly with people. They take their social responsibilities seriously. They always comply with laws, understand them, and don’t cause problems for the public or the environment. They are good employees, complete their jobs responsibly, and always share their possessions. Finally, good people always fulfill their obligation to their families; they take care of their children and their parents. They are loyal to their spouses. They always listen, share, and support everyone in their family. If people love their family; they love everyone. Besides, good people don’t show off; they are modest. They are good friends because they always help those who are close to them. For all things, good people are kind characters who want to do many good things from their hearts, so they always smile and are happy. In my opinion, a good person can help everyone in other ways and doesn’t have to give money only to charity.

Written by: Linh Nguyen 


Fake News

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, fake news has become widespread in our country, so I have to check all news more carefully. Unfortunately, not all people do this, and they often post stories with catchy headlines without checking them out. Recently, I came across a story about a girl who was raped, and the source of this information was a popular blogger's Instagram story. A lot of my friends shared this story on their social media and required punishment for the criminal, but this news seemed strange to me. It didn’t tell the whole story, and it had signs of fake news. For one thing, it was shared by an anonymous source, and this Instagram account didn't have any other publications. In addition, someone accused not a specific person, but a full group of people, in this case, military personnel. Later, the media didn't confirm this information, because it turned out that the photos of the victim were downloaded from the Internet. I think it is a great example of how emotional topics can change people's opinions about a group of people and other things, so it is worth checking each story and being aware of why it was created.

Written by: Viktoriia Holosniak 

Memorable Moments

First Time Losing Money  

I will never forget the feeling of losing my savings for the first time. One day when I went to school, I brought all my savings and put them in my school bag so I could buy toys after school. I returned to class after recess and saw that my bag had been opened. I felt something was wrong, so I checked the money compartment and it was missing. I immediately reported it to the teacher. My teacher asked: Does anyone in the class know who took the money? Everyone was silent and I felt disappointed that no one helped me. When the teacher saw that, she took stronger measures and checked the bags of everyone in the class. Suddenly, someone from another class passed by and saw a pile of money dropped on the stairs in my classroom area and brought it in. Then I saw it was mine and the teacher gave it back to me and I felt relieved and happy to go buy toys again with my dad. This story took place more than 10 years ago. Every time I visit the school and pass by that area, I immediately remember the feeling of losing money for the first time.

Written by: Khai Nguyen

Photo by: Katerina Holmes Pexel

My Worst Bike Fall

I will never forget that day I fell on a bicycle through the streets of Acatlan de Juarez, Mexico. That day was beautiful and sunny, perfect for going for a walk on the new sidewalks that the government had built. Before leaving home my father had checked that my bike tires had air and that the brakes worked well to avoid any accident. After that review I was finally able to leave. My cousins were waiting outside the house ready to leave. When we reached that sidewalk we realized that they had built a ramp for people with disabilities and we had the great idea of going down it one by one.

When my turn arrived, I excitedly proceeded to start my bicycle without imagining what would happen next. The handlebar of my bicycle would break at the moment of the push, causing the front tire, instead of going down the ramp, to go in the direction of the stairs, making me fall and causing an injury to my chin.

My cousins, seeing me unable to move and the blood coming out of my chin, went in search of an adult who could help me. When my cousins returned I could see that my uncle Agustin was coming with them. As soon as he saw me he took me into his arms and took me to the nearest hospital so they could help me. That day it was more important for my mother to give me a good gift rather than a few words of love or some gesture of concern.

This story goes back almost 18 years ago, and even today when I return to Mexico and climb those stairs, it reminds me of that little adventurer with the cool scar of hers.

Written by: Cecilia Mariscal