"Children must be healthy to be educated and educated to be healthy!"
We are always on the look out for additional healthy resources for families. If you are aware of a resource in your area please let us know. The resources provided below are for informational purposes only. Please review to see if it meets you and your families needs. Thank you.
Allegheny County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources
Alma Illery Medical Center (PCHS) 7227 Hamilton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15208 (412-244-4760)
Charleroi Medical and Dental Center 200 Chamber Plaza Charleroi, PA 15022 (724-483-5482)
Community Health Clinic (CHC) 947 4th Ave. New Kensington, PA 15068 (724-335-2862)
Cornerstone Care Community Health Center of Clairton 559 Miller Ave. Clairton, PA 15025 (412-226-5454)
East Liberty Family Health Care Center - Wilkinsburg Dental Office 807 Wallace Avenue, Wilkinsburg, PA 15221 (412-661-2802)
Hill House Health Center (PCHS)1835 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219 (412-697-4698)
Lincoln-Lemington Medical and Dental Office 7171 Churchland Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15206 (412-661-2802)
McKeesport Family Health Center (PCHS) 627 Lysle Boulevard, McKeesport, PA, 15132 (412-664-4112)
Metro Community Health Center 1789 South Braddock Avenue, Suite 410, Pittsburgh, PA 15218 (412-247-2310)
Northside Christian Health Center 816 Middle St. Pittsburgh, PA 15212 (412-321-4001)
Primary Care Health Services, Inc. (PCHS) 7227 Hamilton Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15208 (412-244-4760)
Rainbow Kitchen Community Services 135 East 9th Ave. Homestead, PA 15120 (412-464-1892)
Squirrel Hill Heath Center 4516 Browns Hill Road, Pittsburgh PA 15217 (412-422-7442)
St. Barnabas Health System 5830 Meridian Rd. Gibsonia, PA 15044 (724-443-0700)
Sto-Rox Neighborhood Health Council, Inc. 710 Thompson Ave. McKees Rocks, PA 15136 (412-771-6462)
University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine 3501 Terrace St. Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (412-648-8616)
West End Family Dental Center (PCHS) 441 Main Street, Pittsburgh, PA, 15220 (412-922-5636 )
Health Centers/Clinics
Allegheny Health Network (AHN) 404 Braddock Ave. Braddock, PA 15104 (412-351-6300)
Alma Illery Medical Center (PCHS) 7227 Hamilton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15208 (412-244-4730)
Birmingham Free Clinic 2100 Jane St. Pittsburgh, PA 15203 (412-481-7900 ext 281)
Braddock Family Health Center (PCHS) 404 Braddock Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15104 (412-351-6400)
Charleroi Medical and Dental Center 200 Chamber Plaza Charleroi, PA 15022 (724-483-5482)
Community Health Clinic (CHC) 947 4th Ave. New Kensington, PA 15068 (724-335-3334)
Cornerstone Care Community Health Center of Clairton 559 Miller Ave. Clairton, PA 15025 (412-226-5454 )
East End Community Health Center (PCHS) 117 N Negle Pittsburgh, PA 15206 (412-404-4000)
East Liberty Family Health Care Center Medical Office 6023 Harvard Street, First Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15206 (412-661-2802)
East Liberty Pediatric Suite 6023 Harvard Street, Second Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15206 (412-661-2802)
Hazelwood Family Health Center (PCHS) 4918 Second Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA,15207 (412-422-9520)
Hill District Medical Office 373 Burrows Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (412-661-2802)
Hill House Health Center (PCHS) 1835 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219 (412-261-0937)
Lincoln-Lemington Medical and Dental Office 7171 Churchland Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15206 (412-661-2802)
McKeesport Family Health Center (PCHS) 627 Lysle Boulevard, McKeesport, PA, 15132 (412-664-4112)
Metro Community Health Center 1789 South Braddock Avenue, Suite 410, Pittsburgh, PA 15218 (412-247-2310)
Northside Christian Health Center 525 Mount Pleasant Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15214 (412-321-4001)
Primary Care Health Services, Inc. (PCHS) 7227 Hamilton Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15208 (412-244-4700)
Rainbow Kitchen Community Services 135 East 9th Ave. Homestead, PA 15120 (412-464-1892)
Sheep Inc. Health Care Center 11817 Frankstown Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15235 (412-310-0062)
Squirrel Hill Heath Center 4516 Browns Hill Road, Pittsburgh PA 15217 (412-422-7442)
Squirrel Hill Health Center - Brentwood 103 Towne Square Way, Brentwood, PA 15227 (412-422-7442)
Steel Valley Family Health Center (PCHS) 1800 West Street. Suite 110, Homestead, PA, 15120 (412-461-3863)
West End Health Center (PCHS)415 Neptune Street, Pittsburgh, PA,15220 (412-921-7200)
Wilkinsburg Family Health Center (PCHS) 807 Wallace Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15221 (412-247-5216)
Allegheny County Assistance Office
Allegheny County Assistance Office Headquarters Piatt Place, 301 5th Avenue, Suite 470, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (412-565-2146)
Greater Pittsburgh East District 5947 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-3844 (412-645-7400 or 7401)
Liberty District 332 5th Avenue, Suite 300, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (412-565-2652)
Southeast District 220 Sixth Street, McKeesport, PA 15132-2720 (412-664-6800 or 6801)
Southern District 332 Fifth Avenue, Suite 230, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (412-565-2232)
Three Rivers District Warner Center, 332 Fifth Avenue, 2nd Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (412-565-7755)
Immunization Clinics
Allegheny County Immunization Clinic Hartley-Rose Building; 425 First Avenue, 4th Floor. Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (412-578-8062)
Allegheny Health Network (AHN) 404 Braddock Ave. Braddock, PA 15104 (412-351-6300)
Community Health Clinic (CHC) 947 4th Ave. New Kensington, PA 15068 (724-335-3334)
East Liberty Family Health Care Center Medical Office 6023 Harvard Street, First Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15206 (412-661-2802)
Hill House Health Center (PCHS) 1835 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219 (412-261-0937)
Northside Christian Health Center 525 Mount Pleasant Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15214 (412-321-4001)
Armstrong County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources
Community Health Clinic (CHC) 947 4th Ave. New Kensington, PA 15068 (724-335-2862)
Dr. Hooks Family Dental 260 S. Water Street Kittanning, PA 16201 (724-548-4111) - Call for assistance
Health Centers/Clinics
Community Health Clinic, Inc. 179 Columbia Ave. Vandergrift, PA 15690 (724-567-5671)
Hoffman Memorial Medical Center 419 Kellys Way, East Brady, PA 16028-1403 (724-526-5600) *Located in Clarion County* 10.66 miles from Armstrong County
Petroleum Valley Medical Center 296 Church Street, Petrolia, PA 16050 (724-756-2940) *Located in Butler County* 16.22 miles from Armstrong County
Armstrong County Assistance Office
Armstrong County Assistance Office 1280 North Water Street, Kittanning, PA 16201-0898 (1-800-424-5235)
Immunization Clinics
Community Health Clinic, Inc. 179 Columbia Ave. Vandergrift, PA 15690 (724-567-5671)
Allegheny County Immunization Clinic Hartley-Rose Building; 425 First Avenue, 4th Floor. Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (412-578-8062)
Beaver County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources
Beaver Falls Dental Center 1302 7th Avenue, Beaver Falls, PA 15010 (724-843-1386)
Cornerstone Care Community Health Centers 1227 Smith Township State Rd. Burgettstown, PA 15201 (855-469-6322)
Rochester Dental Center (PHN) 176 Virginia Ave., Rochester, PA 15074 (1-724-683-3049)
Health Centers/Clinics
Autumn Street Health Center (PHN) 99 Autumn St., Aliquippa, PA 15001 (1-724-375-5754)
Beaver Falls Health Center Primary Care (PHN) 1302 7th Ave., Beaver Falls, PA 15010 (1-724-843-4400)
Cornerstone Care Community Health Centers 1227 Smith Township State Rd. Burgettstown, PA 15201 (724-852-1001 ext 108)
Rochester Health Center Family Medicine (PHN) 176 Virginia Ave., Rochester, PA 15074 (1-724-683-3044)
Beaver County Assistance Office
Beaver County Assistance Office 171 Virginia Avenue, P. O. Box 349, Rochester, PA 15074-0349 (1-800-653-3129)
Immunization Clinics
Beaver Falls Health Center Primary Care (PHN) 1302 7th Ave., Beaver Falls, PA 15010 (1-724-843-4400)
Butler County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources
Community Health Clinic (CHC) 947 4th Ave. New Kensington, PA 15068 (724-335-2862)
Jean B. Purvis Community Health Center 103 Bonnie Drive, Butler, PA 16002 (724-841-0980)
St. Barnabas Health System 5830 Meridian Rd. Gibsonia, PA 15044 (724-443-0700)
Health Centers/Clinics
Jean B. Purvis Community Health Center 103 Bonnie Drive, Butler, PA 16002 (724-841-0980)
Petroleum Valley Medical Center (PHN) 296 Church St., Petrolia, PA 16050 (1-724-756-2940)
Butler County Assistance Office
Butler County Assistance Office 108 Woody Dr., Butler, PA 16001-5692 (1-866-256-0093)
Immunization Clinics - Still Looking
Jean B. Purvis Community Health Center 103 Bonnie Drive, Butler, PA 16002 (724-841-0980)
Clarion County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources
Clarion Dental Center (PHN) 30 Pinnacle Dr., Clarion, PA 16214 (1-814-223-9906)
Health Centers/Clinics
Clarion Community Health Center (PHN) 30 Pinnacle Dr., Clarion, PA 16214 (1-814-223-9900)
Hoffman Memorial Medical Center 419 Kellys Way, East Brady, PA 16028 (1-724-526-5600)
Penn Highlands Healthcare 1323 Brookville Street, Fairmount City, PA 16224 (814-275-3320)
Clarion County Assistance Office
Clarion County Assistance Office 71 Lincoln Drive, Clarion, PA 16214-3861 (1-800-253-3488)
Immunization Clinics - Still Looking
Crawford County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources
Meadville Dental Center 640 Alden Street, Meadville, PA 16335 (814-373-5255)
Health Centers/Clinics
Cambridge Spring Health Center 118 Railroad St., Cambridge Springs, PA 16403 (814-373-3080)
Conneaut Lake Health Center 10926 State Hwy. 18, Conneaut Lake, PA 16316 (814-382-0446 )
Conneaut Valley Health Center 461 Pine Street, Meadville, PA 16335 (814-373-2276)
Conneaut Valley Health Center 906 Washington St., Conneautville, PA 16406 (814-373-2276)
Meadville Community Health Center 640 Alden Street, Meadville, PA 16335 (814-373-5255)
Titusville Community Health Center (PHN) 120 South Martin Street, Titusville, PA 16354 (1-814-827-8400)
Crawford County Assistance Office
Crawford County Assistance Office 1084 Water Street, P.O. Box 1187, Meadville, PA 16335-7187 (1-800-527-7861)
Immunization Clinics
Meadville Free Health Clinic 505 Poplar Street, Suite 206 Meadville, PA 16335 (814-333-3932)
Elk County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources
Fox Township Dental Center 176 Skyline Drive, Kersey, PA 15846 (814-245-2200)
Johnsonburg Dental Center 81 Clarion Road, Johnsonburg, PA 15845 (814-965-5444)
Health Centers/Clinics
Fox Township Medical Center 176 SR 2007 Kersey, PA 15846 (814-245-2200)
Ridgway Medical Center 49 Ridgmont Drive, Suite 1, Ridgway, PA 15853 (814-245-2119)
Free Medical Clinic of DuBois 47 West Long Avenue, DuBois, PA 15801 (814-372-2200) *Located in DuBois - states on their website it serves uninsured people in CLearfield, Jefferson, and Elk Counties*
Elk County Assistance Office
Elk County Assistance Office 145 Race Street, P.O. Box F, Ridgway, PA 15853-0327 (1-800-847-0257)
Immunization Clinics
Fox Township Medical Center 176 SR 2007 Kersey, PA 15846 (814-245-2200)
Ridgway Medical Center 49 Ridgmont Drive, Suite 1, Ridgway, PA 15853 (814-245-2119)
Erie County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Clinics
Community Health Net Dental 1611 Peach St. Suite 465 Erie, Pennsylvania, 16501 (814-456-8548)
Dr. Nicholas Hosu Dental Suite 1202 State Street Erie, Pennsylvania, 16501 (814-452-4262)
John Horan Gardens Dental Office 2120 East 10th Street Erie, Pennsylvania, 16511 (814-464-0307)
Health Clinics
Community Health Net 1202 State St. Erie, PA 16501 (814-455-7222)
Corry Area Free Clinic 108 West Smith St. Corry, PA 16407 (814-664-7038)
Daniel S. Snow, M.D. Health Center 1202 State Street Erie, PA, 16501 (814-455-7222)
Harborcreek Health Center 4401 Iroquois Ave Erie, PA, 16511 (814-464-0509)
Multi-Cultural Health Evaluation Delivery Systems, Inc. (MHEDS) 2989 Peach St. Erie, PA 16508 (814-453-6229)
Wayne Primary Care (PHN) 650 East Ave., Erie, PA 16503 ( 1-814-455-5505)
Erie County Assistance Office
Erie County Assistance Office 1316 Holland Street, P.O. Box 958, Erie, PA 16512-0958 (1-800-635-1014)
Immunization Clinics - Still Looking
Fayette County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources
Connellsville Medical and Dental Office 208 S Arch St, Connellsville, PA 15425 (724-626-2630)
Community Health Clinic (CHC) 218 South Maple Ave. Greensburg, PA 15601 (724-335-2862)
Cornerstone Care Community Dental of Uniontown 140 North Beeson Blvd. Ste 400 Uniontown, PA 15401 (724-439-8170)
Health Centers/Clinics
Charleroi Medical and Dental Center 200 Chamber Plaza Charleroi, PA 15022 (724-483-5482)
Connellsville Medical and Dental Office 208 S Arch St, Connellsville, PA 15425 (724-626-2630)
Cornerstone Care Community Health Centers 559 Miller Ave. Clairton, PA 15025 (724-852-1001 ext 108)
Fairchance Medical Office 93 N Morgantown St, Fairchance, PA 15436 (724-564-0900)
Mon-Vale Primary Care Practices 447 West Main St. Monongahela, PA 15063 (724-258-2070)
Republic Doctor’s Office 1006 Main St, Republic, PA 15475 (724-246-9434)
Uniontown Family Doctors 86 McClellandtown Rd, Uniontown, PA 15401 (724-430-7990)
Fayette County Assistance Office
Fayette County Assistance Office 41 West Church Street, Uniontown, PA 15401-3418 (1-877-832-7545)
Immunization Clinics - Still Looking
Forest County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources
Warren Dental Center 2 W. Crescent Park, Warren, PA 16365 (814-723-2333) *Located in Warren County* 31 miles from Forest County
Health Centers/Clinics
Marienville Rural Health Center 125 Chestnut Street, Marienville, PA 16329 (814-927-5609)
Forest County Assistance Office
Forest County Assistance Office 106 Sherman Street, Tionesta, PA 16353 (1-800-876-0645)
Immunization Clinics - Still Looking
Greene County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources
Carmichaels Clinic 601 West George St. Carmichaels, PA 15320 (723-966-5081)
Centerville Clinics, Inc. Republic Office 1006 Main St. Masontown, PA 15475 (724-246-9434)
Cornerstone Care Community Health Center of Greensboro 7 Glassworks Road, Greensboro, PA 15338 (724-943-3308)
Cornerstone Care Dental & Behavioral Health Center of Waynesburg 501 West High Street, Waynesburg, PA 15370 (724-852-1001)
Health Centers/Clinics
Carmichaels Clinic 601 W George St, Carmichaels, PA 15320 (724-966-5081)
Cornerstone Care Community Health Center of Greensboro 7 Glassworks Road, Greensboro, PA 15338 (724-943-3308)
Cornerstone Care Community Health Center of Rogersville 140 Church St., Rogersville, PA 15359 (724-499-5188)
Cornerstone Care Pediatric Center of Waynesburg 236 Elm Dr. Waynesburg, PA 15370 (724-627-0926)
Greene County Assistance Office
Greene County Assistance Office 108 Greene Plaza, Suite 1, Waynesburg, PA 15370-0950 (1-888-410-5658)
Immunization Clinics
Cornerstone Care Community Health Center of Greensboro 7 Glassworks Road, Greensboro, PA 15338 (724-943-3308)
Cornerstone Care Community Health Center of Rogersville 140 Church St., Rogersville, PA 15359 (724-499-5188)
Indiana County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources
Indiana Dental Center (PHN) 590 Indian Springs Rd., Indiana, PA 15701 (1-724-465-6100)
Health Centers/Clinics
Jacksonville Family Medicine Center 29 Saltsburg Rd., Clarksburg, PA 15725 (1-724-726-0300)
Indiana County Assistance Office
Indiana County Assistance Office 2750 West Pike Road, Indiana, PA 15701 (1-800-742-0679)
Immunization Clinics - Still Looking
Jefferson County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources
Indiana Dental Center 590 Indian Springs Rd., Indiana, PA 15701 (724-465-6100) *Located in Indiana County* About 45 miles from Jefferson County.
Health Centers/Clinics
Brookville Rural Health Center 22 Industrial Park Road, Brookville, PA 15825 (814-849-0990)
Free Medical Clinic of DuBois 47 West Long Avenue, DuBois, PA 15801 (814-372-2200) *Located in DuBois - states on their website it serves uninsured people in Clearfield, Jefferson, and Elk Counties*
Penn Highlands Healthcare 551 West Mahoning St. Punxsutawney, PA 15767 (814-938-2602)
Punxsutawney Community Health Center 200 Prushnok Dr., Punxsutawney, PA 15767 (1-814-938-3310)
Jefferson County Assistance Office
Jefferson County Assistance Office 100 Prushnok Drive, P.O. Box 720, Punxsutawney, PA 15767-0720 (1-800-242-8214)
Immunization Clinics - Still Looking
Lawrence County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources
New Castle Dental Center 2807 Wilmington Rd., New Castle, PA 16105 (1-724-656-3486)
Health Centers/Clinics
Ellwood City Health Center 304 Evans Drive, Suite 201, Ellwood City, PA 16117 (724-824-8185)
New Castle Primary Care 1112 S. Mill St., New Castle, PA 16101 (1-724-658-4564)
Lawrence County Assistance Office
Lawrence County Assistance Office 108 Cascade Galleria, New Castle, PA 16101-3900 (1-800-847-4522)
Immunization Clinics - Still Looking
McKean County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources
Kane Dental Center 118 N Fraley Street, Kane, PA 16735 (814-837-6313)
Health Centers/Clinics
Bowman Health Center - Charles Cole Memorial RHC - 83 South Marrin St, Smethport, PA 16749 (814-887-5395)
Eldred Health Center - Charles Cole Memorial RHC 139 Main St., Eldred, PA 16731 (814-225-4241)
Port Allegany Community Health Center - Charles Cole Memorial RHC 45 Pine St., Port Allegany, PA 16743 (814-642-2505)
McKean County Assistance Office
McKean County Assistance Office 68 Chestnut Street, Suite B, Bradford, PA 16701-0016 (1-800-822-1108)
Immunization Clinics - Still Looking
Mercer County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources
Farrell Dental Center 350 Sharon-New Castle Rd., Farrell, PA 16121 (1-724-981-1721)
Health Centers/Clinics
Buhl Farm Community Health Center (PHN) 220 N. Buhl Farm Dr., Hermitage, PA 16148 (1-724-342-278)
Dayton Way Health Center (PHN) 1 Dayton Way, Sharon, PA 16146 (1-724-342-6620)
Green Street Primary Care B (PHN) 2000 Green St., Farrell, PA 16121 (1-724-342-6900)
Greenville Community Health Center (PHN) 348 Main St., Greenville, PA 16125 (1-724-588-525)
Sandy Lake Community Health Center (PHN) 3205 S. Main St., Sandy Lake, PA 16145 ( 1-724-376-7111)
Sharon Medical Group Family Medicine (PHN) 63 Pitt Street, Sharon, PA 16146 (1-724-342-6604)
Sharon Medical Group Pediatrics (PHN) 3 Pitt Street, Sharon, PA 16146 (1-724-342-4052)
Sheakleyville Health Center (PHN) 3339 Perry Hwy., Sheakleyville, PA 16151 (1-724-253-3428)
Transfer Health Center 225 (PHN) Edgewood Drive Extension, Transfer, PA 16154 (724-962-3553)
Mercer County Assistance Office
Mercer County Assistance Office 2236 Highland Road, Hermitage, PA 16148-2896 (1-800-747-8405)
Immunization Clinics - Still Looking
Somerset County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources
Hyndman Area Health Center, Inc. 144 Fifth Avenue, Hyndman, PA 15545 (814-842-3206) *Located in Bedford County* 18.11 miles from Somerset PA
Health Centers/Clinics
Hyndman Area Health Center, Inc. 144 Fifth Avenue, Hyndman, PA 15545 (814-842-3206) *Located in Bedford County* 18.11 miles from Somerset PA
Somerset County Assistance Office
Somerset County Assistance Office 164 Stayrook Street, Somerset, PA 15501 (1-800-248-1607)
Immunization Clinics - Still Looking
Venango County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources
Oil City Dental Center 217 Sycamore Street, Oil City, PA 16301 (814-670-0374)
Health Centers/Clinics
Oil City Health Center 811 Grandview Road, Suite 100, Oil City, PA 16301 (1-814-670-7950)
Venango County Assistance Office
Venango County Assistance Office 530 13th Street, Franklin, PA 16323-0391 (1-877-409-2421)
Immunization Clinics - Still Looking
Warren County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources - Still Looking
Health Centers/Clinics
Warren Community Health Center 1885 Market St., Suite B, Warren, PA 16365 (1-814-723-0100)
Warren County Assistance Office
Warren County Assistance Office 210 North Drive, Suite A, N. Warren, PA 16365 (1-800-403-4043)
Immunization Clinics - Still Looking
Washington County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources
Cornerstone Care Community Health Center of Burgettstown 1227 Smith Township State Rd. (Rt. 18), Burgettstown, PA 15021 (724-947-2251)
Donora Family Medicine 718 McKean Ave. Donora, PA 15033 (724-379-4401)
Health Centers/Clinics
Bentleyville Family Practice - Centerville Clinics - Practice 100 Wilson, Road Bentleyville, PA 15314 (724-239-2390)
California Family Practice 1152 Wood, Street, California, PA 15419 (724-938-2122)
Charleroi Medical and Dental Office 200 Chamber Plaza. Charleroi, PA 15022 (724-483-5482)
Cornerstone Care Community Health Center of Burgettstown 1227 Smith Township State Rd. (Rt. 18), Burgettstown, PA 15021 (724-947-2255)
Cornerstone Care Community Health Centers 559 Miller Ave. Clairton, PA 15025 (724-852-1001 ext 108)
Donora Family Medicine 718 McKean Avenue, Donora, PA 15033 (724-379-4401)
Joseph A. Yablonski Memorial Clinic 1070 Old National Pike, Fredericktown, PA 15333 (724-632-6801)
Monongahela Valley Hospital Outpatient Center 371 Skyline Dr. California, PA 15419 (724-648-3863)
Mon-Vale Primary Care Practices 6108 Brownsville Rd Extension Ste 204 Finleyville, PA 15332 (724-782-0723)
Pediatric Center of Washington 400 Jefferson Ave Ste 1 Washington, PA 15301 (724-228-7400)
Washington Family Doctors 37 Highland Ave, Washington, PA 15301-4401 (724-223-1067)
Washington County Assistance Office
Washington County Assistance Office 167 North Main Street, Washington, PA 15301-4354 (1-800-835-9720)
Valley District 595 Galiffa Drive, P.O. Box 592, Donora, PA 15033-0592 (1-800-392-6932)
Immunization Clinics
Joseph A. Yablonski Memorial Clinic 1070 Old National Pike, Fredericktown, PA 15333 (724-632-6801)
Westmoreland County
Listed are free and income based resources that are in and around the county. For the most part these clinics are for low income persons or those without insurance. Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services. Please call ahead to confirm criteria and services.
Dental Resources
Community Health Clinic (CHC) 947 4th Ave. New Kensington, PA 15068 (724-335-2862)
Donora Family Medicine 718 McKean Ave. Donora, PA 15033 (724-379-4401)
Greensburg Office 218 South Maple Ave, STE 102, Greensburg, PA 15601-3200 (724-335-3334)
New Kensington Office - Dental Services 947 Fourth Avenue, New Kensington, PA 15068 (724-335-2862)
Health Centers/Clinics
Donora Family Medicine 718 McKean Ave. Donora, PA 15033 (724-379-4401)
Greensburg Office 218 South Maple Ave, STE 102, Greensburg, PA 15601-3200 (724-335-3334)
Latrobe Health Center 529 Lloyd Avenue, Latrobe, PA 15650 (724-804-5195)
New Kensington Office Medical/Behavioral Health Services 943 Fourth Avenue, New Kensington, PA 15068 (724-335-3334)
Vandergrift Office 179 Columbia Avenue, Vandergrift, PA 15690 (724-567-5671)
Westmoreland County Assistance Office
Westmoreland County Assistance Office - Main Office 587 Sells Lane, Greensburg, PA 15601-4493 (1-800-905-5413)
Donora/Valley District 595 Galiffa Drive, P.O. Box 592, Donora, PA 15033-0592 (1-800-238-9094)
Immunization Clinics
Latrobe Health Center 529 Lloyd Avenue, Latrobe, PA 15650 (724-804-5195)
We are always on the look out for additional healthy resources for families. If you are aware of a resource in your area please let us know. The resources provided below are for informational purposes only. Please review to see if it meets you and your families needs. Thank you.