Work Site Resources for community vendors

Work Site Resources: Work Permits, Training Agreement & Work Place Visits

These links are to provide guidance for hiring managers & work sites to comply with CA Labor Law for Minors + Work Experience Educational Program to support students in career planning.

Contact Rachael Kaci if you have additional questions.

Work permit request B1-1 form

Must submit this B1-1 form request to for a work permit after you are offered a job.

Labor Law Handbook

Handbook of CA Labor Laws as related to Minors

Workplace safety for minors

Slidedeck about work permits & work experience expectations


Guidance for Safe Operation provided by CA Dept. of Labor Law

Labor Law FAQs

FAQs of CA Work Permits as related to Minors

Worksite employer evaluation

Google survey (less than 5 mins) for reflection of the work experience students' soft skills & career development

Training Agreement

Training Agreement document between PAUSD, job site, and family for work experience students

Job site visit checklist

Checklist for Work Experience students during their job site visit

Job site - scheduling

Google survey (less than 2 mins) to schedule job site visits with PAUSD