NJSP Operation RISE   "Hidden in Plain Sight" Parent Workshop

This assembly is intended for parents only, no students shall be permitted. This psychoeducational workshop (secondary prevention) aims to provide knowledge of behaviors that could manifest into short/long term effects of substance use, misuse, and/or abuse. The assembly will provide a visual scene that will display places and objects that youth today may hide illegal substances. The intent is to help the parent(s), guardian(s), relative(s), friend(s) of the student by increasing awareness about life situations that may impact the student(s). And to help adults identify and develop strategies that reduce destructive habits and negative behaviors in youth today. 

A Special Thank you to all of the participants and the parents who attended the event.


This event was presented by Michele Perez:

 NJSP Operation Rise and Local Law Enforcement.

(Recovery Initiative Support & Engagement)

Help is available so you don’t have to go through it alone.

This is event was supported and funded by Gloucester County, GCADA/Alliance Program.

The Municipal Alliances Committee 

Prevention and Healthcare Specialists

Basket Donations

Paulsboro Police Department

Parents of Paulsboro

Presentation 2024

Operation RISE