PATTS College of Aeronautics aims to develop the students not only academically and to hone their leadership capabilities for them to be ready to share their abilities, resources, trainings and learnings to the country.


The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) aims to develop the productive and creative potentials of students through co-curricular extra-curricular activities that are integrated, value-oriented and socially relevant. This office was created to handle general student programs, look after students’ welfare and deportment, and enforce rules and regulations on student behavior and discipline. The ultimate goal is to promote student involvement in campus life programs and activities to complement student educational experiences at PATTS College of Aeronautics.


The Office of Student Affairs will be a center of excellence for student personnel services supportive of the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that are integrated, value-oriented and socially relevant for the students’ well-rounded growth and development.


The Office of Student Affairs shall promote the development of students’ leadership skills, potentials and talents through its program thrusts of self-growth and awareness, leadership development, supportive living and learning, productive use of time and enhanced cross-cultural adjustment.


The Office of Student Affairs shall help in the enhancement of students to become disciplined, socially responsive and imbued with desirable values.


This office establishes linkages with the appropriate establishments for the purpose of finding opportunities for On-The-Job Training of students. It recommends qualified trainees and monitors their performance towards accreditation in the subject or course concerned. It also helps qualified graduates seek employment by providing information for job opportunities and expanding industry linkages.

This is designed to assist graduates in their career planning and choices inside and outside the school. Follow-up surveys are conducted to determine if graduates are properly placed and the opportunities presented are appropriate for them. Placement Office provides a wide variety of career development programs for students of all majors and class levels, and for all alumni. It offers services to help students with the transition from student to working professional or graduate student.


PATTS College of Aeronautics is envisioned to be the Centre of Excellence in Aviation Education with the end of producing a globally competitive workforce for the aviation and aviation-related industries.


In line with the mission of PATTS College of Aeronautics to provide quality Aviation Education and to assist our graduates in the labor market, the Office of OJT & Placement is mandated to develop systems, procedures and programs to promote the well-being of students and ensure their safety while undergoing internship. The Office encourages and promotes strong academic linkage with the industry to make PATTSeans competitive for employment.

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