Introduction to Healthcare

Current Students: for assignments, lectures, videos, and handouts please visit the Google Classroom site (link posted below)

Introduction to Healthcare is a two semester course that is designed to familiarize students with the various careers in the medical professions. Students will also be introduced to skills vital to a career in healthcare including: first aid, emergency response, work place safety, human anatomy, working with others, communication skills, legal and ethical responsibilities, cultural considerations in the healthcare industry, problem solving, decision making, and accepting personal responsibility and self-management. In addition, basic college readiness skills will be provided, and related mathematics and language arts standards will be reinforced. After successful completion of this course students will have the opportunity to enroll in the pathway concentration course, Sports Medicine where they will acquire the necessary education and training to prepare them to complete clinical hours with local allied healthcare professionals through the capstone Athletic Training or Community Health Care Practicum courses.

A-G Category : G, college preparatory elective

Dual Enrolled: PEDS 110 (Career Planning), 3 units