Learning at Home

Struggling to figure out how to help your child/children at home and how teachers do it every day?

One of our secrets is structure and schedules.

When our kids know what's expected and what's coming it can help tremendously.

Do things always work out the way we plan?

Not at all!

However, below are some helpful ideas to help as we navigate learning at home.

Don't be discouraged if there is push back or it's a struggle.

Keep doing your best! You can do this!

  • Have a dedicated workspace, if possible - This will signal to your brain that it is time to work. It also creates a visual boundary between work and the rest of your life. When you leave your workspace, work is over.

  • Make healthy meals - Eat the best whole foods you have access to. Good nutrition is the key to our immune system and mental health.

  • Have a Check-in-Buddy - Pick someone you feel comfortable with that you can reach out to and chat. Set a specific time to chat with your buddy. Try not to make the entire conversation about work.

  • Get enough sleep - Working from home can impact your sleep patterns. Be sure you are getting enough rest and try to keep a similar sleep schedule as you would during a typical school or work week.

10 Top Tips: Remote Learning for Parents.pdf

You are safe! You are loved! You can handle this!