Outdoor Life

As a student taking Business & Industry as an endorsement and following Outdoor Life you would expect the following coursework.

Principles of Outdoor Education-

This is the first year course offered by the Outdoor Program. Students will be introduced to the outdoors by getting 2 lifetime certifications. Hunter education and Boater education. They will also participate in the National Archery in the Schools Program, where they will have opportunities to compete on an archery team, which is being introduced this year for the first time. They will participate in basic angler education and be able to demonstrate these skills. They will go on a fishing excursion and conservation experience to Lake Jackson. All students will be taught introductory outdoor cooking, using modern fire starting methods, and be able to eat and judge the food they cooked.

Outdoor Wildlife-

This is the 2nd year course offered by the Outdoor Program. These students will have opportunities to go camping. They must be certified in the lifetime certifications before they can participate. Students are taught leave no trace principles, orienteering, advanced angler education, outdoor games, kayaking, biking and participate in the National Archery in the Schools Program, where they will have opportunities to compete on an archery team. They will also be in charge of building our school bonfire for homecoming. All of these students will attend the Houston Safari Club field trip to develop interest in careers pertaining to the outdoors. They are also eligible to go on the hunting and fishing field trips.

Outdoor Range-

These 3rd year students will demonstrate advanced angler skills. Their focus is to help others to be successful in all aspects of fishing. They will demonstrate camping skills and participate in all camping workshops. They are expected to maintain all archery equipment. They will compete in the National Archery in the Schools Program and experience bow hunting techniques and strategies and bow fishing skills to use in the outdoors. Students will explore opportunities in survival and share these skills and demonstrate with their peers and others. They will have fun with outdoor games and incorporate these when camping. They will also achieve successes in kayaking and biking when on camping workshops.

Outdoor Practicum-

This 4th year senior class involves all aspects of the great outdoors. Outdoor education, outdoor wildlife and outdoor range. These students will be eligible for all field trips. These students are expected to run the archery range. They are expected to be outdoor leaders. They are to teach and share their experiences. They are expected to participate in long term projects such as building wood duck houses and fishing line recycle tubes and donate them to their local conservation associations. They will teach leave no trace principles and will conduct team building. They will create opportunities by demonstrating camping, cooking, fire building and angler skills to adults and their children. By modeling these skills they will become our future leaders for the outdoors.