Learn more

about being a visionary storyteller

Want to help us build our future present?

Sign up to be a "visionary storyteller" and participate in an interactive world-building workshop. Join other people who care about liberated futures for Black, Indigenous, Trans, justice system impacted and marginalized people.

What does sign on mean?

Participate in 1-2 workshops or interviews to build our collective stories. Reflections from storytelling workshops will be combined in a participatory storytelling ballot. We'll vote on which stories we want to start developing for a blueprint for change.

Will I get paid?

Visionaries storytellers will be offered gift cards/honorarium on a sliding scale based on what they need. Folks are welcome to volunteer but will be offered funds for their participation that range from $50-$250.

What will happen with my vision?

It will be shared on the NEW BLACK CITY platform.